Ok, I know it's been an age since I last posted here. Sorry campers, I'm usually too busy living my life to have time to post about it. But it's been forever and I'm trying to be good.
So, since last we spoke I've lost my job at Harley. Think I might have mentioned that in the last post.
Found a new job at less pay and no benies but pretty awesome hours. Mostly days, usually one weekend shift a week off and my bosses rock.
Best of all, my beautiful wives Ro and Em have done me the very great honor of taking my name. This actually happened going on 2 months ago and I've been a bit of an "Oh wow!" cloud for most of the intervening time.
Speaking of which. On the way to the courthouse to get the paperwork we stop for breakfast at a local one-stop gas n go kinda place. They have Pepsi Throwback. I am savagely hooked on this stuff. I see the 20 ouncers. Grab two. I see the 12 packs. Grab two. Ro sees this and asks if I intend to DRINK my breakfast. I respond "I'm more than willing to admit that I'm an addict. I simply refuse to do anything about it.
Only THEN do I see the uniformed Sheriff's Dept officer and three uniformed city cops who have stopped shopping for breakfast and started giving me cop eyes while simultaneously giving Ro inquiring looks. Doh!
Thanksgiving was fun. We went to Cat's folks in Cumberland. Love Cheryl but the woman can't cook. Good company though. I do love my in-laws. Just more than a bit spoiled after 6 years eating Em's cooking.
The next day I came home from Black Friday to find grilled salmon, hot mint tea and French Silk pie mmmmmmm
Today we had an impromptu event the locals are referring alternately to as either Snowpocalypse or Snowmageddon. Basically, we got 2 feet of snow in less than 12 hours. How bad was it? The train station shown in the opening section of this clip is the one I take to work.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-LO-C_hLgU Ro, bless her heart tried to drive me to the train. One car length. Thats how far she got out the garage before becoming hopelessly stuck. So I got to walk 15 blocks through knee deep snow. This....SUCKED. Folks I'm in pretty damned good shape. The amount of exercise I do will do that for you. But it took me half an hour to walk what normally takes 10 minutes. And I was one gassed bastard upon arrival.
I got to work barely on time, changed and got a call three hours later from the boss. Due to a 70% call out ration on the part of the staff, apocalyptic weather conditions and a general lack of anyone in the mall we were closing SEVEN HOURS EARLY. I got on the train and got to stand there packed in like a sardine for AN HOUR before we moved. Then I got to run a necassary errand, wait half an hour for a train taking me back to my usual station and walk from there. By the time I got home my frigging TESTICLES were numb from the cold. You got any goddamned idea what the weather has to be like for a six foot two man in military grade winter gear to literally have numb nuts? Jack Frost can nip at my nose to his hearts content. He gets anywhere near my junk again Ima go upside his head with my machete and get him a job at TSA.
The big illustration I've been trotting out for everyone when I've discussed this is this. Minneapolis knows winter. It's our thing, what we do if you will. Ice Palaces and outdoor winter carnivals are part of the local culture. And not only did the county stop bus service at 2pm today they, wait for it......
If that ain't textbook "Dude that is some seriously jacked up weather" I dunno what is.
Good night