As evidence, I present my
benefit brochure.
Sure, it's free to me, but it also doesn't cover,
29. Expenses incurred for routine physical exams,
routine vision exams, routine dental exams, routine
hearing exams, immunizations, or other preventive
services and supplies,
I think the idea is to prevent people from seeking health care unless they're well and truly dying.
Nor does it cover,
20. Expenses incurred for Injury resulting from the
play or practice of intercollegiate sports (participation
in sports clubs or intramural athletic activities are not
I am trying to figure this one out, b/c I am most certain that the University has varsity athletes that are covered under this policy.
Dee's also had to pay out of pocket 100% of fees for tests conducted recently, I believe I've ranted here before about her 9 week ordeal with the Sinus Infection They Refused To Treat. I really have to wonder what they cover at all. Thank Eris I'm generally a healthy person, b/c even with insurance it looks like I can't afford to get sick. Good thing I'm not paying for the privilege of paying for my health care, or else I'd really be pissed.
In better news, ISU receives a refund of my policy fees should I suffer accidental death or dismemberment. Hooray!