Jun 07, 2006 06:08
Last night I dreamed that I was working in the yard of the old house and trying to finish something in time to get to religion class. DL and JL from my college class were waiting for me. After I showered and changed clothes, DL walked out to go to class with my dirty underwear on her head. Then I had to make appointments with the two colonels in my chain of command and was further afraid I'd be late for class. I told the secretary that I had already seen them (true), and she asked me if I'd seen Carolyn. I hadn't, and she said the wait was over an hour. I snuck out of the office and headed to class. We were studying Ecclesiasties, but I had forgotten my bible, bringing instead a small book that looked like a bible but was actually a dictionary. Turned out it didn't matter b/c for whatever reason, the class was discussing their pets and how they had died. Wow, what a great class. I woke up thinking about Bosco, again.