Duluth, MN restaurant to add parking lot orchard to augment its commitment to sustainability

Jun 02, 2013 14:20

Plum trees will be part of a new parking lot orchard at the restaurant at 118 S. 27th Avenue W. that will provide hundreds of pounds of fresh produce each year but also act as a buffer for rainwater that runs off the parking lot and into nearby Miller Creek.

The planned urban orchard will be 140 feet long, 12 feet wide and, in addition to plum trees, will include grape vines, black-cap raspberries, lingonberries, kiwi, apricots, grapes, choke cherries and much more.

The restaurant has been using organic, locally produced foods for years, including stuff from the gardens already scattered around the building and at Hanson’s home nearby. [It] even has bee hives on the roof to make its own honey.

The project will add an island of trees, shade, flowers, birds and butterflies in what for decades has been a sea of blacktop in Duluth’s Lincoln Park neighborhood. The added green space will help cool and clean water entering the creek right before it pours into the Duluth harbor and, eventually, Lake Superior.

The project has a kickstarter page here.

cool, news, environment

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