This feels extreme to me--the extent to which it seems I have to go to have a little privacy online. It's like "God is watching you masturbate," except god is marketers and god is trying to sell you something. Way back when, I thought I was being paranoid. By this point in the internet's evolution, it appears I was, for once, an early adopter.
Browser and configurations
Firefox 3.6.27 - I am aware there are other Mozilla based browsers out there and I will check them out at some point, but for right now everything is set up in Firefox so with Firefox shall I stay.
Clear cookies after every session
Browser addons (This is where it starts to feel ridiculous. Some of these are probably redundant, but they aren't interfering with each other so I'm leaving them be.)
AdBlock Plus - does the obvious
AdBlock Plus Popup Addon - just what the title says
Better Privacy - cookie blocker
Disconnect - prevents cross-site tracking from google and others
DoNotTrackPlus - see *
Element Hiding Helper for AdBlock Plus - adblock, but with More Power
Facebook Disconnect - same as disconnect but for facebook
Form History Control - can see, edit, and selectively delete saved form information
Ghostery - blocks tracking programs
Greasemonkey - various scripts to hide unwanted elements or stop them from loading
HTTPS-Everywhere - forces a secure connection with every website it can
NoScript - the obvious
TACO - see *
TrackMeNot - sends random queries to search engines to create noise and confuse trackers
TrashMail - creates fake emails for websites that make you register but that you don't plan on ever using again
* Both of these are from Abine, and I talked to a tech rep who said they do basically the same thing - block a bunch of cookies. I haven't decided which one to stick with yet.
Website choices and settings
Deleted and turned off history in
google and
youtube accounts
Run multiple email accounts to spread usage around and keep certain things segregated
Run multiple pseudonyms for website commenting and user accounts
Refuse to enter names or demographic data wherever possible
DuckDuckGo as default search engine **
Deleted all social networking accounts but LinkedIn (facebook deletion still pending)
Have no cross-site connected personal accounts
Opt out of all sharing and promoting features on LJ
** This is new, and seems to be working well so far. I'm really reluctant to give up gmail, and I don't really want to run google searches from a separate browser or log out every time I want to search for something. DDG is transparent about privacy, runs off the google algorithm so search results are acceptable, and is mad customizable. Also, it's hard to dislike a site whose random search feature is named, "I'm feeling ducky."
Things I have yet to do
Bookmark videos currently saved on youtube accounts and delete accounts
Familiarize self with proxy use and implement where possible
Explore capabilities of
TorConsder switching to another browser
Create branded persona for career purposes and ensure separation from personal use personas
Find and close random accounts created before I started using TrashMail.
Consolidate online financial concerns and segregate from other activities
Create new password set and rotation
Is all of this necessary? Probably not. Am I just paranoid? Not as much as I used to think I was. If you're doing/using anything you find helpful in protecting your privacy that you don't see listed, let me know. |=)