Mar 02, 2005 12:06
But that doesn't mean you can spray paint sign hangers inside. Yes, I would be eating my lunch right now, but the rather noxious spell of paint makes me think I'd rather do it elsewhere. Taking my food up to the 5th floor break room is a bit of a hassle, compared to just eating in the sign shop, but I have no desire for my food to taste like paint. Other than that, work isn't too bad. Just a few more days in Reading, then it's off to Gulfport, Mississippi for ten days or so. I'm bringing my laptop along, and if rumors can be believed, there will be a wireless connection waiting for me in the hotel there. Otherwise I've just bought a very expensive portable DVD player. This trip is the first in what is now a series of six, spread out from here until July or so. With only ten trips, I'm hoping to take my number back down to five, but in a fit of unprecedented generosity, I offered to be flexible on this point. The hours suck on these things, but the overtime is nice.
Over the winter, we managed to pick up a family of mice in our kitchen. I actually rather like mice, because as we all know, "little animals is cute." Though even I must admit that their cuteness is a bit diminished when said little animals are running around under the stove. My mother's view on mice is perhaps as far away from mine as it is possible to be. We've caught three mice in as many days using glue traps, and she's actually starting to have nightmares about them. Never missing an opportunity to mock, I suggested that we probably have a whole town of mice, and asked whether she caught the mayor yet. She was not amused. Perhaps if this trend continues, we'll pick up a pet snake, just to save a bit on feeding costs.
Well, enough of this. It's time to head upstairs for lunch and a bit of reading. I'm hoping to finally finish Nostromo tomorrow. The Count of Monte Cristo was pretty good, but Joseph Conrad is dull enough to make me end my streak of classics at two. Maybe some Dickens can turn the tide back in the favor of long dead authors.