Oct 10, 2007 02:50
I am surprised at how much I do not know about my fellow team mates. I need to correct this lack of synchonization.
Sou-san...Can you tell me what a "pedobear" is? Does it have to do with bears and feet? Do you like bear feet? I did not know they were hazardous to children. I will take care to inform Ken-san of this issue, however.
Holly-san is a vampire? I would not have guessed, as she seems to fare well during the daytime. I would think that putting pins in one's hair would be difficult without a reflection as well...
...Although I am glad that fayt-san has returned, I am disappointed that while everyone was worrying, she was on vacation. Or did she neglect to inform us? Nonetheless, it is still a sign that communication is not at its highest potential level here.
Takashi-san has a "kitty kink"? Does that constitute having a feline in one's mechanical gears? I did not know there was another tactical weapon amongst us. Why was I not informed? Although I imagine having such a problem would be difficult...I hope he is alright.
...I was also not aware that vampires and tactical weapons could be wed. What would the social and political implications of that be?
...I must wonder.