There's a lot going on in the world right now. It's a lot to take in. I feel very passionately about the current election, and I kind of hate it because I have this ever so deafening fear that McCain will get in. I really hope he doesn't, but it's just that, the odds sometimes seem unfavorable. I feel as though at such a crucial time in our lives, the democrats picked a very bad time to have a black man and a women to chose from. I obviously have no problem with either one, I wanted Hilary to get it, in fact. However, how many republican hicks feel the opposite. You know, I actually got into a slight argument/conversation with a drunk guy in line at Albertsons who said that if Obama didn't get killed, he'd kill him himself. "Not that I'm racist or anything", he added. Then proceeded to tell me he hadn't voted in all his fifty years. I know so many people out there, who want McCain to get it, but they don't vote. It's kind of nice. I'm honestly scared for McCain getting into office. He is so staunch rightwing republican. He wants to outlaw abortion, even if it's harmful. He wants to overturn gay marriage in California, and also domestic partnerships everywhere, and he thinks we should stay in Iraq for a while. Then don't even get me started on Palin, what a grade-A joke. This whole bid about her being "about the family" is the hugest joke I have ever heard. You don't have a baby, with downsyndrome and then decide to partly help rule the country. Also, way to have a knocked up seventeen year old and pull that card. What scares me about this election is so many of my own rights are on the line, rights that I am fighting so hard to have, rights that thousands upon thousands of people all over the world are fighting so hard to have. With McCain womens voices are being silenced. How many girls get raped, molested, raped with incest, or simply are fourteen and not realizing what things lead to, and get pregnant...really, does a fourteen year old girl need to have a baby? Does any girl under the age of eighteen need to have a baby? For some girls who get pregnant young, it works out well for them. However, if you were to ask them in fifteen years, how many of them do you think would say "I don't regret my baby, but I wish I had it later." The girls who are forced to keep their babies often times end up hating their babies, or they can never get a decent job and they are stuck working in fast food raised a child to be poor, never actually having a good life. Just like that, womens voices are silenced. I also honestly believe, without abortion, we're even silencing childrens voices...the children who are having them. If McCain gets elected, he's going to attempt things that will make gay people lose so many of their rights. That is even more personal to me. I don't understand why anyone thinks that they have the right to not allow someone else to a right that everyone has. This whole bid about marriage being a bond underneath god is a joke. It honestly is. Atheists get married, and I'm sure to them it's not a bond underneath god. People get married, then divorced because one of them got fat, or is no longer attractive, or isn't making enough money. If those people are entitled to such rights, why the fuck are two people who love each other who happen to have the same body parts not allowed to? Doesn't that seem like the stupidest, most ignorant thing? I think so.
Also, last night I was watching "Being John Malcovich" and, if you haven't seen this movie, there is a chimp in it. This chimp, had a troublesome childhood when it's mother and father were tied up and taken away from him. Since then he's had an ulcer from the stress of the situation. For some sad ass reason this made me cry. Because animals do get captured, and it scares them to death, and it breaks their heart. Elephants for example, elephants remember everything, and how often to pochers kill elephants? That's why so often in Africa, there are elephants who absolutely hate human beings and if they see one they will no doubt, charge it. Then there are elephants who love people. Why? Because elephants are naturally generally nice creatures, and unless they see a reason to hate you, or attack you from something you have done to them, they won't. Did you know there are people in Africa who actually live on elephant conservations, and these men stay there all night long just waited to hear the sounds of gun fire, and as soon as they do THEY go out with guns for whoever is attempting to poch. If an elephant sees these men, their toast. Because these elephants have watched other elephants be killed by human beings. We just close our eyes to that world, we turn the other way. The reason we do is because a) we don't care. b) we don't know. or, c) we do know, but it seems like all of our worry over it, and all the things we do is never going to be enough. So we give up.
I wish, I could move out of this country and live in a place like Africa, and run a conservation. Or, I wish, I could own a huge piece of land in America and do the same thing.
P.S. When we move to Seattle, I am totally going to try and work at the zoo.