I Have a Dream

Mar 29, 2006 10:48

Usually I don't remember my dreams, but I think this one is worth mentioning.

Laura and I were in Las Vegas and she had joined an orchestra, playing bass clarinet, but were were only there for the weekend so she had lied to join. I was walking through a grassy field that was part of a park when I spotted her and waved hello. She left the group; followed by a friend she had made, "Laura, what are you doing? We're in the middle of rehearsal and we have a concert next week". Laura only wanted to leave, "I'm going to be at Clark College next week, fuck you guys and your band" Then they started fighting. A cat fight like in a sitcom where they both roll around pulling each other's hair. A security guard hurries over and separates the two and gives a speach about patriotism and how we should not fight amongst ourselves. After the two girls calm down he said, "That's another two votes for the democratic party"

Complete shift to a similar scene with sleazy-looking man with greased back hair and a dollar suit that exclaims, "Two more votes for the Republican party". Then I am in a insurence commercial for an insurence company with blue in their name. "Here at Blue Life we don't care about red or blue, but both and everything in between. I stand next to a custom-made truck that is painted in three large red, white and blue stripes running prependicular to the length of the car. I hop in and so does Laura, but when I get out on the road Orlando Jones is talking to me about saying "thur" instead of there and "hur" instead of hair. As I wonder if he is offended by something I may have done in between the point Laura was in the car and he entered we drive off into the sunset and everything fades to black. I hear repeptitive scraping of a film reel that has gone on too long and it woke me up.

Dream interpritation is crap. Or at least most dreams don't mean anything. There was a bass clarinetist in The Island, my sister's boyfriend wants to go to Clark College, and Laura came back from six days in Vegas not too long ago. For the rest I have no explanation.
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