Meme; Baby Making

Dec 26, 2010 21:19

Give me one of your characters with Mac and I will tell you -- no matter how ridiculous the pairing -- the following about their first child;

A. Name
B. House
C. Circumstances of Conception
E. Three Random Facts

[what] meme, [verse] team-x

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mechanic_mac December 29 2010, 12:01:56 UTC
A) Wilson Richards -because they couldn't agree on anything.

B) Here, there and everywhere. Mac'll probably be down with going where ever tickles Wade's fancy, or where there is a good job -so long as they don't spend any length of time in China -she hates China.

C) Once upon a ti-...wrong story. Okay. During a quiet time on the base, somehow Mac and Wade collided with an almighty prank that probably would've gotten them both brig time; luckily, Mac knows all the awesome places to chill out while Sykes' cools down. Some reminiscing led to a few giggles, then stories about pranks, then stories about fights -how much Wade embellished, Mac's not sure, but it sure did get him into her pants anyway. Heat of the moment was just a little overpowering -just a few times- and eight months later -because Mac never keeps to schedule, there was a little tyke.


[Zoli Suicide -badass attitude from her mom, bitching with a side arm, or any other weapon, from her dad.]

E) 1. Wilson isn't technically a mutant, like her father wasn't born one. But she does have a proficiency with fire arms and weapons that could be an unnatural ability, or just being around ol' Pops so much. She's been begging her Dad to show her some moves and train her since she was thirteen.

2. There's only one pet that Wilson has ever had, Wade gave it too her when she was nine. A weasel called Weasel. Wilson doesn't get the joke, but she loves her little Weasel anyway.

3. Turns out, Wilson has her mothers sarcasm, and her fathers wit, and it does so help when it comes to school. She only resorts to her fists when certain idiots don't take the hint after she completely flabbergasts them with her cool witty repartee.


makesppldead December 29 2010, 16:13:51 UTC
....the funny part is, this could totally happen. IF IT DID.

I'll be over here. Rofling on my copter.


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