Meme; Body/Sex - it's going around [like an STD]

Nov 11, 2010 11:34

Your body
Favorite feature (physical)?
Boobs -what, I like 'em!

Do you do your hair on a regular basis?
Nah; looks better a mess

Do you shower regularly?
Yeah, 'round here you really gotta.

Are your finger/toe nails painted?
Only when I'm way bored

What part of your body hurts right now?
My ass -I spent the day on a fucking re-bar sorting out engine shit, douche.

Are your nipples pierced?
One was, ages ago. Removed it when I enlisted.

What part of your body do you hate?
I dunno, my hips?

Have you ever had a part of your body waxed?
I know I come off as a guy, but dude, I'm a chick. Of course I have.

Do you ever forget (wink) to wear underwear?
No, that shit just chafes.

Can you lick your elbow?
No, and considering the oil, grease and shit that I've been elbow deep in, this is a good thing.

Favorite body part on the opposite/preferred sex?
Arms. Take a look at some of those on the squad -not this shitty team, the old squad. Holy shit dude.

Favorite body part on the opposite sex that you like to lick?
Just about anywhere, really, edible dudes are edible.

Do you have any body-part fetishes?
Maybe a little one for fingers. And lips.

What parts of your body do you like kissed?
I'm not exactly fussy about it.

Do you enjoy full-body massages?
Do they come with a happy ending?

Do you believe sex does the body good?
You try being cramped and tense and wound up and then get laid and not feel better.

Do you believe you are what you eat?
I really, really don't.

What is your sexuality?
I could go either way, but I stick to guys so...hetero with a side of bi-curious.

Are you a virgin?
That is so laughable.

If not, do you like having sex?
God no, I do it for punishment. What the fuck is that about?

Favorite place to have sex?
Against the wall. It's usually the most convenient.

Have you ever fulfilled a sexual fantasy?

Have you ever used props during sex?
Props can be taken in numerous ways, but the answer remains yes.

Have you ever received a spanking?
No. Although that is something to think about.

Sex: clean or messy?
Usually, without doubt, it gets messy.

Do you hate the word pussy?
Not really, I've heard worse.

Have you ever had sex in a vehicle?
Totally, it was moving at the time.

Do you ever drink/do drugs before you have sex?
My Dad would kill me twice over for putting anything like that in me, but the drink is allowed.

Do you consider oral sex, sex?
The word 'sex' in there to describe it usually gives it away. Yes.

Condoms: do you prefer with or without?
With. Unless you're in a way serious relationship, know where the dude or girl has been and are completely sure that there are no little surprises waiting around, always with.

Girls, are you on birth control?
Yeah, though it's less for birth control more for routine.

Sex: fast or slow?
Fast, usually. Unless some douche wants to draw it out. Teasing can be fun.

Being sore the next day, good or bad?
Sore in a good way. Not sore because he dislocated your hip thinking you were a stretch doll.

Have you ever watched porno while having sex?
Not while having, but porno has led to sex.

Do you prefer artificial or personal lubricant?
I could go either way.

[what] meme, [verse] team-x

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