Feb 02, 2010 00:30
So lets see what I can post tonight that has gone on lately:
The day before new years I had to go to the ER b/c of a 24 hour stomach flu that was GOD AWFUL! Almost had Kaelyn but after 2-3 IV bags, some WONDERFUL anti-nausea meds and 8 hours of sleep in triage... we went home happy and feeling much better.
We had the baby shower on Saturday [1-30-10] and we are VERY thankful for the 35+ family and friends who showed and anybody who has been thinking of us! Got Emma/Kaelyns closet and laundry done and their room finished so we are good to go!!
Last week for my 37 week appt I was 30-40% effaced, no dilation yet, but we were at -1 station.
TODAY: Since around 4-5pm I started noticing I was having contractions. I'd say 15 mins apart. Around dinner at 8ish they were closer to 10 mins lasting about 60-90 seconds. Discomfort wasn't too bad, just felt like I was having some mild pressure. Since around 10 till now they have come to about 8 mins apart, and now noticeable in my lower back and lady bit areas as well as in my belly. Pressure is getting slightly stronger.. and at times it feels like period cramps. Discharge [sorry tmi] has increased in this time frame getting thicker and wetter so maybe baby soon? [my earlier timed ones were 10:52, 11, 11:08, 11:17, 11:25 [right when I got in the bath with emma] I was out at 11 45ish? since then I've been in and out watching the clock but when I do time them they are still a very consistent 8 mins apart :)
I will keep this posted now as we get closer. I'm praying this is it!! :)