Oct 19, 2009 21:08

So it has been awhile since I've made a post....and right now seemed like a good time to do so :) I am officially 6 months this weekend and we have decided to name our 2nd little princess Kaelyn Alexis Chan. She's picking up activity and I felt her hiccups for the first time today, hehe.

Realitive to my last pregnancy with Emma, I've gained about 6-8 lbs so far. With Emma it was already crunching in to 20. Mind I still had about 5-10 left over, fluctuating at first but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that being a stay at home mom with the girls will help keep the excess weight at bay.

Emma is getting taller and faster it seems. She had a scare with her dental hygiene not too long ago, and what we thought was a gum boil turned out to be just a pop corn kernel, in the beginning of this month haha. Chasing her and being pregnant has been exhausting but at the same time I love it non the less. Emma is also now speaking in nearly full sentence which is nice, but at times she chooses to play as a 'baby' and then thats when the guessing games begin. We made her crib into a toddler bed, but she's still sleeping in our room with me...as Eric is in the office on the guest bed. I believe this next week or so we will move a mattress on the floor for me to camp out in there with her until she's used to it and Eric back into our room so once she's roomed in I can go back to bed in our room again. It's tricky because since her 1st bday she came to bed with us and hasn't left... and we have about 16 weeks left and I just pray she'll sleep in her room by then. IDK what's going to happen tho.

Oh, and Emmas new word of the day is peanut butter... pronounced: PIKA Budder. LOL

Hmm let's see.... plans to go to a pumpkin patch for this weekend are hopefully still on. I have a doctor appointment next week and will be starting to pay for my labor and deliver fees. We are doing a VBAC for sure this time and no c-section...granted things keep sailing smoothly for us. My energy is starting to disappear as I approach the 3rd trimester and I think I might have that symphsis pubic disfunction... lots of sharp pains and hips popin out when I wake up or get up from laying down. I sound like an antique door opening and shutting hahaha.

Weather here is cooling off so my encouragment to walk more and go out to exersize again is back online. I have a wedding I'll be in 4 months after Kaelyns arrival so I gotta keep things from falling apart ;)

I'm still uneasy about the swine flu shots, too.... but I more than likely will be getting them for all of us just to be safe............... possibly. Eric just got the regular shot today, and I've had it for some time now. Emma is all that's left and still we wait for the dosage to come in at her pedi office...as a shortage is going around here. =\ Thought she had the flu last night but only a fever of 101 for about 36 hours then it went away.

Anyways, my brain is shutting down for now. I'll post another update next week once I get more info from my doctor on how we are doing and how kaelyn is. If anything pops up other than my belly button soon, then I'll post some more.

14-16 weeks left and counting ;)
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