When it rains, it pours. At least, when I get in the mood to start taking pics, damnit, I'm gonna take pics.
I took Nikolas and Selena out this time. Neither of them has really gotten their fair share, probably because Sel's body won't stand worth a damn and Nikolas' wig hides his adorable face. But I still adore them, and LOOK at those eyes.
And of course a link to the rest on DoA:
http://www.denofangels.com//forums/showthread.php?t=130383 My insurance adjustor was supposed to call by 4:30 pm today, and... she did not. Grr. I want to just find out what's happening with my car so I can figure out everything. *sigh* Why does it have to be NOW that all this is happening too, when I only have a few days before my dude leaves for 3 weeks vacation? Hrmph. Still, I have everything in the world to be grateful for, so it's just a momentary whiny vent :) I'll get over it in a few seconds, with a couple robin's eggs in my hand.