I've added
Bear's comments to my anti-moping kit.
Another needed kick in the ass: the runners twice my age browsing around the Country Music Marathon Expo this morning. My myriad excuses for failing to stay in shape suddenly seem even more pathetic than usual. *wince*
Last night, I read
Sebastian Matthews's In My Father's Footsteps from cover to cover. I liked the vignettes of life in Ann Arbor and the glimpses of various poetry conferences, but what also commanded my attention were assorted characters' struggles for self-control and honesty -- which ones were capable and/or willing to accept responsibility for their desires and for their failures, which ones floundered, which ones helped the people around them become centred and grow into their own (Matthews's stepfather Charter a key example), which ones inflicted chaos and misery through carelessness. I should stress that these aren't mutually exclusive categories -- one of the central concerns of the book is how someone (Matthews's father) so funny and gifted and devoted to his craft -- After All is one of my favorite books of poetry -- could also be such a self-justifying dolt when it came to tending his health and his domestic relationships.
I turn thirty-five in eleven days. One of my promises to myself for the next year is to refrain from seeking refuge in excuses. . .