everybody here has seams and scars

Apr 27, 2021 21:03

The subject line is from Vienna Teng's "Level Up." I've been rewatching the video with new appreciation, now that I've spent more time practicing combinations within the past five years than during the previous forty-five. (I have not become good at combinations, but neither am I trying to be Xin Ying or So Young An or Masazumi Chaya. I am aiming to become the healthiest I've ever been . . . )

Given that Teng and her partner aren't professional dancers, the choreography in the opening minute really impresses me now. The sequence between 0:57 and 1:03 has always made me catch my breath.

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I was thinking about Vienna because I first saw Alex Wong and Ben Sollee perform with her at the Belcourt. Alex, in turn, has recently introduced me to an array of performers and artists I'll be paying closer attention to (and have, in some cases, put on my next Bandcamp Friday list): Ruby Ibarra, Rotana (a Saudi-born artist whose songs on Sunday included one about self-pleasure), MILCK, and Surrija.

My favorite Surrija track so far is "Sylvette," which is ironic, because I spent dozens of hours this past year wrangling content about Picasso (becoming a Françoise Gilot fan along the way, as well as ever more firmly Team Braque), and not once did Lydia Corbett ever come up.

The past few days have been rife with derp -- sunfried tomato seedlings, pizza sticking like tar to its pan, and other mishaps -- but I managed to deliver some thises and thatses, and also didn't get killed riding my bike to the East Nashville Farmers Market (I rewarded myself with a tangerine popsicle when I got there).

Then there are the guys in another league:

(The dude cruised up at least a block on just the back wheel. His buddy behind me cheerily bellowed "Awww yeah" when I snapped the pic.)

Elsewhere, in other negotiations with movement, there's a virtual formal ball for English country dancers next week. The band's recordings include "Ransom Note," which I'm going to hope is on the program because the tune is so beautiful, and I have a lovely memory of whirling around to it in Decatur two Septembers ago.

Vicki Swan was kind enough to invite me to join the dance mosaic she compiled for "Bonnie at Morn." I'm in the third tile up from the lower left corner:

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This entry was originally posted at https://zirconium.dreamwidth.org/175161.html.

music, east nashville, dance

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