1 new poetry challenge:
https://tupelopress.networkforgood.com/projects/120791-peg-duthie-s-fundraiser 1 flashfic rejection
far too much coughing
1 upcoming
choral project (if I ever stop coughing)
4 jars of
honey drops 20 hours in the work saddle (already)
1 power outage (20 minutes before my first scheduled meeting with my new intern. The day was . . . hectic.)
1 new client (yay referrals!)
1 old toothbrush wielded against appliance scuzz
4 incoming holiday cards
2 half-pints of beer
2 days above 60 F
Frost on my windshield today
A pot of miniature roses
[edited 1.16 to remove stray periods]
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