we are like sheep

Nov 03, 2004 10:50

I've lived in three states: New York, Illinois, and California. And those were the three states (along with Pennsylvania) that gave the most electoral votes to Kerry. At least I've lived in good places on a regional level.

Expanding from that, my older brother antigen7 lives in New Jersey and voted for Kerry, and they went Democrat. My younger brother negativedreamer lives in Florida and votes Republican, and that state went for Bush.

So I think this generation of Tuffys has the power to influence the electoral college. I think for the good of the country, I should move to Florida, and we should get Shawn out to Wyoming or somewhere where he'd do the least damage.


Everyone in my office is down today. Not gonna be a real productive day, I dont' think.


One of the propositions on the ballot in San Francisco yesterday:

"Prop N will put on record that San Franciscans oppose the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq and demand that our troops come home now. Prop N will also set an example for other cities to demand that public resources be used for vital services."

It passed, 63%/36%.
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