long-tongued zebra porn

Nov 01, 2004 15:17

Past few days update, in short, with pictures:

Mikey & Lindsay arrived in San Francisco on Wednesday, although not necessarily in that order. That evening brought the fun of the "urgent work call at 10pm", leading me to seek out internet where I could find it. Luckily, Talia was kind enough to let me go to her place and work, even though I'd only met her about 45 minutes earlier.

Thursday: Cruxshadows. Cheesy fun. Mikey gave a better writeup of the show in his LJ than I could, so go there if you're interested. If you want to see Lindsay's pics from the show, go here. Oh, and Jay let us know that he was going to be renting out our spare room.

Friday: Lui(x)za arrived in SF from Davis. We went to the much-hyped Tokyo Dark Castle, which ended up being the most fun I've had paying too much money to see crappy bands. Some pics:
- Not taken with a fish-eye lens, but looks like it was.
- The (hot!) ladies before we left
- Me, Val, Lindsay, Corey, and Luiza with the Bunny from Donny Darko
- My new roommate needs to learn to use the 'rotate' feature of photoshop

Look here and here for more Friday fun pics.

Saturday: Ate at the "Coffee Sh Prime", bid Luiza adieu, visited Chinatown, and went to Matt's party. Corey wore a freak costume that was a cross between some blue bird and the scary vagrant from Mulholland Drive.

Sunday: We didn't do much, but Erik hung out with Tori Spelling.

Thanks to Val, Lindsay, Mikey, Luiza, Corey, Jay, Matt, and everyone else for the wonderfully exhausting weekend. =)


"Mechagojira" won the 'new dj name poll' with about 70% of the votes. One thing the poll taught me is that people don't know how to pronounce 'mechagojira'. Here's my attempt at a phoneticism of it:


That J makes the standard english J sound, and not an h-like sound.


I keep hear people saying "this is the most important election of our lifetime", but I'm pretty sure that was the 2000 election -- we just didn't realize it at the time.
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