Jun 23, 2010 02:45

The expression on your face when you first heard this was priceless. I think this is the only time I can laugh hysterically when remembering you. God damn, that reaction.

Smile'n all the time, try'n to forget the bad, remember'n only the good, try'n to move on, try'n not to bitch about life.

Anyways, I want to break up with her. I just don't give a damn anymore. I get pissed easily. That's a bad habit. Oh well. I've gotten a lot of shit of how we started anyways. Things that generally start out bad end up bad. So it goes. She feels better as a friend.

I want to vidya all day later. Maybe I'll finally beat NMH2 and Matt will stop bitching at me on how much I suck at the game.

I also get the weirdest mix of feelings when I listen to this song -

I still like this song after she showed me and I can't help but feel warm and fuzzy, but still feel empty. Like a convection bake oven with nothing baking.

Whenever I hear anything about Bob Dylan, I want to tell Matt about it. It's because Matt is the first thing to come to mind when I see anything Bob Dylan related. I really wonder how Matt will be like in the future. MATT-KUN~

My throat has started to feel tingly from staying up late.

I wanted to watch Toy Story 3 today with everyone, but I had some work to do, which I didn't even start until now. Bleeeeh, my psychology says time management would reduce stress, but so far, I have none. Also, I didn't go because I felt like she wouldn't go if I was there. I'm hoping Matt or Tony hasn't seen it so I can finally watch it. I don't want to sit in the theater by myself and cry my eyes out.

I tried to freeze time today in my car as I was driving. It felt fun for a while and I could actually envision things slowing down. I stopped after realizing how bad it would be to get into another accident, so I stopped immediately.

Andy was able to get a job lately. He called me about it, and the most I could say was "Congrats, I'm happy for you!" Just in general, I feel awkward talking to him when it isn't video game, yugioh, or science/math related. I told him I would meet up with him later, which I didn't. Feels bad.
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