Consult (4/14)

Jul 16, 2010 09:42

Luke flopped on his stomach on the bed in his new room at Fairwinds, rereading the blog post he had just written. It was pretty short, but only because he was wary about revealing too much. Mom still in the hospital. School is boring as usual. Living with Damian right now. Interested in someone new, but I know it’s not going to go anywhere.

His finger hovered over the Post button as he debated submitting it. His friends were already all awkward about his mom. And he didn’t really want to deal with them teasing him about the “someone new.” Luke moved his mouse over to the Cancel button and clicked it. There really wasn’t anyone he could talk to right now, he thought with a sigh.

Luke rolled onto his back and rested his hands on his stomach as he stared at the ceiling. He wondered how his mom was. He wondered if his dad missed him at all.

He wondered if Dr. Oliver had thought about him since the last time they saw each other.

Luke drummed his fingers on his stomach. He sighed and rolled back onto his front. He opened the Web browser again, went to a search engine, and typed in Reid Oliver. He scrolled through a few pages of links to journal articles, only recognizing half of the words for any given title. Eventually he found something more promising - a news article about some fellowship that Dr. Oliver had been awarded in medical school. Luke clicked on the link and smiled. Jackpot: there was a photo.

Luke stared at the picture. He spent a good ten minutes trying to decide what color Dr. Oliver’s hair was. Then he dropped his eyes to Dr. Oliver’s mouth. He wasn’t smiling, although that didn’t really surprise Luke. There was a slight curve to his lips, though, at least in the corners, and a twinkle in his eye. Luke couldn’t shake the feeling Dr. Oliver was thinking something insulting about the organization giving him the award. Or perhaps his competition. At any rate, the expression on his face was…Luke pursed his lips together and swallowed.

Luke glanced up at the door to the room. It was closed. Damian was at a business meeting of some kind and Luke wasn’t expecting him back for hours. Luke cleared his throat, propping his head on his hand and resting his elbow on the mattress as he looked back at the picture.

Suddenly, Luke realized that he had been rotating his hips unknowingly, pressing against the bed. He stopped abruptly, feeling a hot flush burn across his face.

And then, after a few moments, he started moving again, slowly and deliberately.

It had been a long time since he had done this. Too long, really. When he was just starting to…experiment with touching himself, it didn’t really matter. He didn’t think about anything but how good and maybe a little wrong-but-so-right it felt. But then, as he got older, and he started to actually imagine other people being there with him…other guys. (Kevin.) Well, it just - it felt more and more wrong and less and less good. And so he had resisted as much as possible. Changing in the locker rooms was bad enough; he didn’t need to remember the things he had pictured at the same time. So, he just…stopped. He ignored every sensation, willed his body to relax whenever he lost control, thought of Mrs. Thompson, the math teacher, naked. Anything.

He was tired of it. He had come out. And now he wanted to fully embrace what that meant. Luke exhaled roughly as his body began to respond to his actions. He dropped both forearms to the bed, pressing down to provide a counterforce to the motion of his hips. He looked up again, staring at the picture, staring at Dr. Oliver’s smirk. It wasn’t perfect; the camera certainly couldn’t pick up all the nuances of the expression that Luke was more than familiar with. So he closed his eyes, remembering to his last conversation with Dr. Oliver and the way he had looked at Luke, ranging from annoyance to concern to amusement to something else that Luke couldn’t quite figure out.

Luke sighed, swallowed, and rolled onto his back again. He pressed firmly on his leg, running his hand down his thigh, putting off touching himself as long as possible. He wanted to enjoy this. He wanted to acknowledge that this was who he was and what he desired. Luke brought his hand up to his stomach, sliding his fingers beneath his shirt and rubbing them along the top of his jeans. His breath grew ragged and Luke could feel the muscles of his stomach quivering in response. He tangled his fingers into the line of hair on his stomach, remembering when it had started to thicken and darken just a few years ago.

Luke turned his head slightly to the side, opening his eyes into narrow slits and staring at his computer screen again. Dr. Oliver looked back at him, and Luke moaned. He worried it sounded shockingly loud in the quiet room, but then he remembered no one was around to hear it. And he didn’t really care anyway.

Luke reached both hands down to his jeans, quickly unhooking the button and carefully lowering the zipper. He pushed his pants and underwear off as far as he could before contorting on the bed, shaking and kicking his legs to get them off the rest of the way. Then he planted his feet on the mattress, spreading his knees slightly. He slipped one hand back under his shirt, skimming up until he felt his nipple, hard and tight. He pinched it lightly and rolled it between his fingers and gasped at the sensation.

And then finally, he put his other hand to his dick. Luke physically could not stop the whimper that came from somewhere deep in his chest. Fluid was already leaking out of him, and he used it to ease his movement. He tightened his grip, creating friction as he stroked from the tip to the base and back again. Luke started rocking his hips again, this time thrusting up into his fist. He could feel pressure and pleasure building deep inside, and he began rubbing his pinky finger along his balls as his rhythm began to stutter.

Luke paused, wondering if he should do what he had been trying not to think about for months now. And then he decided to. He brought his free hand out from under his shirt and lifted it toward his face. He hesitated, and then stuck his fingers in his mouth. He wrapped his tongue around the digits as he moistened them. He sucked hard and wondered what it would be like to suck - just say it, Luke - cock. Luke closed his eyes, exhaling somewhat nervously around his hand. When the fingers were wet, though, he removed them and dropped his hand slowly down.

Luke turned his head again, glancing at the computer screen.

“Dr. Oliver,” Luke murmured. And then he took a breath. “Reid,” he added softly. And then he pressed his pointer finger inside himself, just barely breaching the entrance, the muscles tightening and then giving way.

“Oh crap, oh crap,” Luke choked out. He squeezed the base of his erection instinctively, somehow managing to prevent himself from coming. And then he tried to relax and he straightened his finger, pressing inside as deep as he could. The tight burn and the odd pleasure were too much and Luke lost it. He groaned loudly and lifted his ass clear off the bed as he came over his hand and stomach.

Luke collapsed onto the bed, his finger slipping out. He stared up at the ceiling, breathing heavily, a look of shock on his face.

“Wow,” he said to the room.


“Dr. Oliver!”

Reid turned even as he kept walking, doing a slight double take as he focused on the other man. “Dr. Hughes,” he replied.

“I have a favor to ask you.”

Reid stopped at the desk, handing several files to the nurse and taking the clipboard she handed him. As he filled out the necessary information for his closed cases and added his initials, he tilted his head slightly in Bob’s direction.

“Don’t you think you’ve asked me enough favors already?”

“Hear me out. The local news station does human interest stories, of course, and - ”

Reid groaned. “No.”

“You haven’t let me finish.”

“Because I can see where this is going. Somebody thought it’d be a great idea to highlight the hospital, or perhaps a specific department, or whatever excuse they could come up with to answer the burning question - who is that strange yet devastatingly attractive man we’ve seen around town? He must be new, because everyone in this godforsaken burg is related to everyone else through blood or marriage and probably both, and so fresh meat is always exciting. The answer’s no.”

“It’s great PR for the hospital.”

“You seriously think it would be good for me to represent the hospital? Get one of your trained monkeys to do it. I’m here for one reason - to treat patients.”

“Have I mentioned my wife owns the station?”

Reid sighed loudly.

“Five minute segment. Who knows? You might enjoy it. The interviewer will no doubt highlight your many charms.”

Reid stared dead ahead, hating the world.


Reid wasn’t quite sure how it happened, but the next morning he found himself walking down the hall of the television station with Kim Hughes, who was familiar to him but he couldn’t place. He imagined he’d seen her around town and just hadn’t paid attention. They had just officially met a few moments ago, and Reid was pretty sure they were already off on the wrong foot. Not that he cared or anything, but Bob Hughes could still make his life miserable the next few weeks. Kim stopped abruptly next to a door and knocked twice on it.

“Katie?” she called out.

The door opened, and Reid groaned. It was his blonde stalker. Now he remembered where he’d seen Kim Hughes before. The woman - Katie - looked at him. The expression on her face was a mix of annoyed recognition and feisty flirtatiousness.

“You must be Dr. Oliver,” she said.

“I am.”

She held out a hand and Reid shook it, ignoring the fact that she let her fingers linger in his grasp as she pulled away. “I’m Katie Peretti,” she said.

“I’ll leave you two alone to prepare for the interview,” Kim said.

Reid fought the urge to yell after her, to convince her to stick around and protect him from this woman’s clutches. He turned back to Katie, and she smiled at him slyly.

“A neurosurgeon, huh? I should have known. Only surgeons are as cocky as you.”

“Mmm. But I have reason to be.”

“Prove it,” Katie said, reaching a hand up and tweaking Reid’s tie.

“No, thank you. You’re not my type.”

Katie’s eyes narrowed, and her head tilted to the side.

“I’m gay,” Reid clarified, with a frustrated sigh.

Katie fell back against the door, rolling her eyes in apparent relief. “Well, why didn’t you say so?”

Reid’s mouth dropped open. “I don’t normally go around telling every stranger who hits on me what my sexual orientation is.”

Katie waved a hand, leading him into the dressing room. “You had me worried I was losing my touch. And now we can disregard all this sexual tension between us” (What? Reid thought.) “and just become friends.”

“I don’t want to be friends with you.”

“Yes, you do. You need someone to show you this town.”

“I don’t want to be shown this town.”

“Oh, stop complaining and sit down. Let’s talk about your interview.”

Almost against his will, Reid sat down. In the long run, it probably would just be easier to do what she wanted anyway.


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