Fabrication (21/27)

Aug 13, 2010 08:33

Reid stood, hoisting Luke onto the table at the same time. In some small corner of his brain, Luke wondered if Reid could actually carry him all the way to the bedroom. They were almost the same height, but Luke knew he was a little more - and then he stopped wasting his brainpower on the question, because Reid was leaning forward and kissing him. Luke wrapped his legs around Reid’s waist and clutched the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer. Reid pressed against him, and Luke leaned back until he realized he was inches away from landing on the remaining pizza. He pushed Reid off him and stood. Grabbing Reid’s hand, he led him in the direction of his bedroom. For about two seconds, Luke felt guilty about not cleaning up the mess in the kitchen. It wasn’t fair for Casey to come home to that. And then, he decided he didn’t care.

Luke walked into the bedroom, Reid right on his heels. He turned and closed the door, then faced Reid. The room was fairly dark, with only some light from outside sneaking in. Reid’s face was in shadows, his expression - as usual - intensely focused. Luke grinned, reaching out for Reid’s belt buckle. Within only a few minutes, Reid was completely undressed, while Luke remained fully clothed. Luke thought there was something kind of pervy-hot about that, and he liked it..

“Lie down,” he said, repeating Reid’s directions from last time. “On your stomach.”

Reid raised an eyebrow at him, but he turned away willingly. As Reid pulled down the covers and crawled onto the bed, Luke took off his socks and belt, deciding to leave the rest of his clothes on for at least a little while. He stepped closer to Reid, his eyes following the lines and curves of Reid’s body. Reid was stretched out on the bed, his head turned to the side and his arms wrapped around the pillow. His eyes were already closed, and he had a small smile of anticipation on his face.

“What are you going to do with me now?” he murmured.

“Shhh,” Luke ordered, kneeling on the bed and crawling over Reid’s body. He kissed Reid’s shoulder, and then he sat down, straddling Reid’s thighs. “This OK?” he asked quickly. “Am I too - ?”

“It’s fine,” Reid mumbled.

Luke nodded, reaching out to Reid’s shoulders. He squeezed the muscles, feeling how tight Reid was. Honestly, Luke didn’t really know where this impulse came from. It was just, despite Reid’s typical appetite (both for food and kissing Luke), he still looked so exhausted and stressed. Luke wanted to do this for him. But he’d never given a massage before, at least not a naked one to someone he was sleeping with. So he was a little nervous about it too. He wanted it to feel good in more ways than one.

Luke exhaled, stroking down Reid’s back and sides before reaching up to his shoulders again. He spent the next few minutes working on a knot between Reid’s shoulder blades. Grinding the heel of his palm into the spot, Luke moved in small circles until it finally loosened. Reid moaned, and Luke stopped immediately.

“Is this - should I - ?”

“’s good, ‘s good,” Reid replied quickly. “Very good,” he added, sighing.

Luke lifted himself slightly, reaching out to the bedside table and grabbing a bottle of lotion. Popping the cap, he poured some on his hands and rubbed them quickly together. Then he returned to his task. He shimmied down slightly, then ran his hands up and down Reid’s back. The warm skin stretched and bunched underneath him, and Luke crooked his fingers on the way down, scratching Reid’s back lightly with his nails. Then he sat up, focusing on Reid’s lumbar. He pressed his thumb down hard, right into the small of Reid’s back.

Reid flinched, trying to pull away even as he groaned in pleasure. “God, Luke,” he said into the pillow.

“Good?” Luke asked, feeling Reid’s stress and tension give way underneath him. The only reply he received was another groan.

Between the kissing earlier and Reid’s rather vocal response to him now, not to mention the sight and feel of Reid’s naked body pliant beneath him, Luke was beginning to find it difficult to concentrate on the massage. He was hard in his jeans, but he didn’t want to unbutton them, not yet. He wanted to feel the pressure just a little longer. Angling his hips, he pressed his cock against Reid’s naked ass, feeling the seam of his zipper between them as he bent forward. Luke stroked Reid’s biceps, enjoying the slight tremors in the muscles beneath his palms. Then he ran his hands all the way down Reid’s arms, finding his hands and entwining their fingers. He dropped his head completely and placed a kiss to the back of Reid’s neck.

Reid’s mouth was open, and his eyes were closed, and he was breathing deeply and slowly. It was possibly the most gorgeous Luke had ever seen him. Luke sat back up, his hands skimming along Reid’s body as he moved. Luke shimmied down once more, and after a slight hesitation, cupped Reid’s ass.

“This OK?” he whispered.

Reid didn’t answer, and Luke felt nervous. “Reid, is this - ”

“Yes,” Reid said. “Yes. Anything you do to me is OK. Don’t stop.”

Luke squeezed the mounds of flesh, kneading them. His pinkies dropped around to Reid’s hips, and his thumbs slipped into the crease between.

“Anything?” Luke asked softly.

Reid lifted his head, turned it and buried it in his pillow. Luke noticed Reid was no longer boneless dead weight; he had started to respond to Luke’s actions with small thrusts against the mattress.

“Anything,” Reid responded, his voice muffled.

Luke sat motionless for a brief moment, before swallowing nervously. Then he reached out for the bottle of lotion again. At the same time, he grabbed the condom sitting on the bedside table. (He had remembered when getting ready for Reid to arrive that he didn’t have any protection at the apartment. Having some had felt too much like tempting fate or something. And so, he broke probably the number one roommate rule and stole one from Casey. But this was not how he had expected it to be used.)

Luke stared down at Reid’s body. Then he rose up to his knees and quickly unbuttoned his pants. He pushed his jeans and boxers down just enough to free his cock. Next, he tried to open the condom wrapper, despite the fact that his fingers suddenly felt four times their usual size. It took him three tries, but he finally managed to tear the edge. Removing the latex circle, he quickly rolled it on. He exhaled sharply, trying not to lose control at his own touch.

Luke dropped back to his haunches, poured a dollop of lotion onto his palm and dipped two fingers into it. He rubbed his fingers and thumb together quickly, distributing the lotion and coating his fingers. Then he reached down, sliding one finger along Reid’s ass, tracing the crack until he reached Reid’s hole. Reid made a small noise, and Luke looked up quickly, worried. Deciding it was a good noise, however, he pressed in slightly.

“Luke,” Reid whispered.

Luke swallowed, pressing in more. He began to move the finger in and out, trying to remember how he liked this when he was doing it to himself, trying to recreate that speed and angle for Reid. Reid bent one knee, pulling his leg up along his side. This action spread him open farther for Luke, and Luke responded by adding a second finger.

Reid had started thrusting against the mattress again, and Luke thought he was going to lose his mind just from watching. Reid was naked beneath him, with Luke’s fingers buried deep inside him, and he was writhing and - yep, there it was - moaning. And then Luke found the nub he was looking for; he hooked his finger slightly, rubbed softly, and he smiled when Reid’s breathing hitched.

“There. Right there,” Reid muttered, his eyes squeezed shut.

“Mm-hmm,” Luke replied.

With every press in, Luke aimed for the spot, and Reid’s breathing grew more and more unsteady. He pushed back against Luke, taking him in deeper, wordlessly asking for more. Luke added another finger, and Reid groaned brokenly, pulling one corner of the sheet off the mattress with his clenched fist. And then Luke removed his fingers.

“Luke,” Reid gasped. “Luke.”

His brain had basically stopped functioning at this point, probably because if he realized what he was doing, he would bust apart from nerves and happiness. He stretched out on top of Reid’s back again, one hand skating up Reid’s arm to grasp at his wrist. He rested his chin on Reid’s shoulder blade as he reached his other hand down and guided himself to Reid’s opening. He eased himself inside slowly, mouth wide open as he breathed out rapid, sharp exhalations at the sensations of hot and tight and sofuckinggood.

Luke removed his hand once he breached Reid, instead wrapping his palm around Reid’s waist and digging his fingernails into his side. He tilted his chin down, now resting his forehead against Reid’s back. He breathed a couple times, feeling himself sink deeper into Reid. He swallowed, stuck his tongue out and licked salty sweat from Reid’s skin. Reid lifted his free hand, contorting his body and bending his elbow so he could reach around behind himself. He blindly found Luke’s head and threaded his fingers into Luke’s hair.

“You - OK?” Luke managed to ask.

“Fuck, Luke, yes,” Reid said between gritted teeth.

Luke couldn’t help his grin. Then he pulled out slightly, pushing back in as he started to gain confidence. Reid moaned, shifting his bent leg higher up on the bed. Luke kept his own leg slightly bent too, using it to push against the mattress and drive deeper into Reid, aiming at the same angle that worked so well before.

“This is…you feel so,” he said softly.

Reid’s only reply was a drawn-out nnngh. Luke removed his hand from Reid’s wrist, sliding up to hold his hand again. Reid dropped his other arm down to Luke’s thigh, digging into the skin with his fingers as Luke continued to thrust. And then Luke placed his mouth on Reid’s skin, sucking and kissing the mass of muscle at the juncture of his neck and shoulder. One more thrust, and Reid squeezed around him, and Luke was coming, biting down hard to stop himself from yelling out loud. Before he was finished, he could feel Reid shudder beneath him, spilling out his own release.

He stayed inside Reid, unable to move for a long time, trying to convince himself he needed to get up and finally get undressed. They were completely stretched out now, Luke on top of Reid, moving up and down with their heaving breaths. Luke didn’t know how long they stayed like that, but even after he began to regain his strength, he was almost afraid to move, afraid to break the moment.

“Luke, I need you to…” Reid finally said, shifting slightly underneath him.

And then Luke nodded, reaching down to hold the condom as he pulled out. He rolled onto his back, and Reid pushed himself onto his side and then fell to his own back.

“Wow,” he said.

Luke turned his head, smiling widely. “Yeah?”

“You’re a natural,” Reid said.

Luke looked up at the ceiling again, blushing slightly. “Thanks. I enjoyed it too.”

Reid snorted at the matter-of-fact tone Luke used. He lifted one hand to rub at his eye. “I feel like I could sleep for 16 hours.”

Luke turned onto his side, tentatively reaching out a hand and pushing Reid’s hair back. “Go to sleep,” he said. “It’s OK.”

“Mmm,” Reid replied, his eyes closed and his mind clearly already shutting down.

Luke smiled. “Do you need me to set an alarm?” he asked quietly.

“Six,” Reid murmured.

“’Kay,” Luke said, and once Reid was fully asleep, he leaned forward and kissed near the corner of his eye.


A/N: Hello, all! Please remember not to post anything in the comments about or hinting at short-term spoilers (for me and others who are spoiler-free(ish)), as well as endgame spoilers (for people who have somehow managed to avoid all references to that). Thanks!

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