Life's Not Supposed to be Fair!

May 03, 2009 11:09

*sigh* so in Fashion marketing we have to design our own 20 piece collection, and I decided to do 5 Men's Wear and 5 Women's Wear looks. Right so I get to doing my sketches. They all looked fabulous with long legs, trim waists, and had a super awesome Indie vibe to them (which I wanted). Only I'm done and my teacher was like "You have to use the figures that I printed out" I wanted to choke her because those women's figures had baggy granny titties, and were more manly shaped than the male figures. And when I asked her why I couldn't use my own her answer was "Well you're really talented at drawing and design, so it's not fair to the other students that can't draw." Okay I was flattered, because seriously I am fucking amazing and I along with my teacher, and everyone in that class knows it. Ever since our evening gown assignment, people have been starring at me when we have to do sketches like "What is she going to be doing? Ohhh!"

Anyways this woman does this to me constantly, she's always telling me how good I am and never letting me show it, because it's "not fair". Seriously, in the real world, if we were working in the real fashion industry, people who can't sketch, wouldn't be sketching, they'd probably be somewhere doing something else, or hell not working in the industry at all! It's total bullshit, so now my project looks like shit, because it's what's fair  for the other students.
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