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Where to start on "compare to wow" mecamind August 25 2008, 21:55:31 UTC
There is ALOT to be said here, frankly I will try my best to nutshell. If there is one thing I have seen alot latly is WoW-like games flooding the market trying to break in on the MMO pie Honestly I have tried MANY of these games and found the are practically clones with less creative producers. One thing I can say Is Warhammer is not a clone. There are Warhammer specific compedium monsters and Characters to venture out with and do battle. Next we have some very creative classes. I loved the Shaman Goblin and most chaos classes. Mostly I must say:

Graphics: On par with wow and better/the same at times.

Classes: Very creative mix of Ranged DPS/Melee DPS/Tanks/Healers/Melee/Pet classes etc... An exelent start considering its Beta and they had origionally planned for many more types.

Controls/reaction combat: Similar to WoW in game mechanics are shared and have good response times. Once the bugs are squashed I expect it will be on par there.

Content: Amazing all new all Warhammer all hand placed. Truly I was suprised, seemless world travel, lots of easter eggs in the world and you can easily get lost and explore a fleet of warships on the open sea way out past the game borders...They have made it BIG in a big way!

Crafting/econemy: Simply awsome so far, Banks auction Craftables so much to see and the armor is amazing.

Now to top it off heres the real good stuff, RVR Outdoor pvp You at lvl 2 can go straight to a contested area and build rank get uniqe items and fight with seige weapons! Cannons, Tribuches everything. Distroyable buildings claim keeps for your guild for the whole relm to see dislay your banners along its walls/ make certain players in your guild FLAG BEARERS! cary your guild banner into battle and boost your teamns attack buffs! Public quests! Like an open raid walk to a area where one is taking place and bam your in everyone is playing COOP against waves of mobs awsome storylines and lots of these I hade been involved in 6 from lvl 1-10! Great rewards too. Will this take WoW's place? I say yes, yes it will and add so much more to social gamming, I feel this will be something that changes things again. Ok, so here are the best links to explain. Enjoy! Tell me what ya think...

Cities: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2OFtQL6mIA

Gamplay RVR: Check this guys other Vid's Hes the best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4Sg6mozrjs&feature=related


Re: Where to start on "compare to wow" isrephael August 26 2008, 01:37:52 UTC
My two fears are this:

1) I have put sooo much time into WoW that playing another game would be flushing so much.

2) If I play a Warhammer game I'll be sorely tempted to break out the pewter and paints again, and that, my friend, is the path to madness. The evil of Chaos has nothing on GW miniature pricing.

That having been said, if they have a play for free trial, I'll be all over it.


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