Hmm, Firstly to all whom see my post allow me to say i hope you all enjoyed your Day of rebellion, Retribution and mass slaughter. Mine was shared with my old pals
Mortiary6 and his fantastical wife
wickedwish We drank yapped and stumbled down to a apartment unit that had a view of both shows, it was a nice time aside from what turned out to be a miscommunication between myself and my to-be date for the evening.
Unfortunately missing out on having that lovely person around lead to me being saddened by the end of the evenings antics. On another note, things have been well as of late (insert sarcasm), Kompressor has suffered a major mechanical disruption in the "Heart/soul region"! and teh medical team (i.e. me) is doing the best they can to resuscitate the crusty pile of shit known as my mechanical wife... And further down the rabbithole. I am planning a return trip to Chattavagus within the next couple months, look out town Torres The Terrible will be raisin hell! Yaar...