Happy Birthday
"Happy birthday, I hope you have a really good day."
- Dahlia
"I'm going to make you a special Rock Cake when I get back to town."
- Maya
"I wanted to light all your candles but Rowena said no, so Happy Birthday."
- Natina
"Sessy love birthdays, so Sessy say Happy Birthday to you."
- Sessy
"What Shatter suppose to say?"
- Shatter
- Kosj-ir
"Hail and well met to you on this special day"
- Atrix
"You have gone from a lovely sapling to a beautiful Oak"
- Sapphire
"Enjoy this time with the ones you love"
- Catherine
"Look for the magic of the world and you will find it."
- Remus
'The first tankard in on me"
- Petra
"I was going to give you a very special birthday gift but Atrix just gave me one of his looks, so lets just get drunk."
- Felecia
"What Felecia said"
- Nathira
- Dora