Jan 14, 2006 20:13
so i got up this morning (afternoon really at 2) took a shower and then headed to Chik-fil-A. ( i know i know i dont eat meat the only thing open on campus)and waited for my food....sat down when these three boys walked in. needless to say the type of boys who give no hope to mankind in general. so they were talking really loud and being obnoxious. there talk only at the moment about majors. so they sit down first cause apparently my food still isnt done..then i sit down and start to eat my food. one of the boys who is the loudest is talking about one of the other guys id's. saying he looked like tommy lee...which by any mean he didnt. anyways said that all he had to do was get some tattoos and he could pick up some porn stars..?! First off, we live in Milledgeville,Ga. "pick up porn stars?" who says that?
Then the conversation moved onto playing Tiger Woods PGA on PS2. They were talking about some move and the loudest one goes..i can do it better than you. i can do the whole game better than you. they started to talk about moves in golf and i dont play golf. but i know a hell of alot when my bf is Georgia..they were just using terms to sound smart. idk. My thing is that two of the three knew each other and the other one had just met them. i spent my lunch listening to blammering idiots.
while back from chik-fil-a i realize im still drunk..and get back into bed.