Nov 15, 2005 22:15
Heres the thing: Janet has suggested I write something because I haven't in a while. But what she doesn't know is that there is nothing to write!
I have been all about work lately because it is progress report week.
Also I have been thinking about taking on another part time job at a place called Child Therapy (actually I don't remember if that is right!) in Agawam which would allow me to do evals/possibly tutoring in my spare time. They pay 45-50 dollars an hour for evals. I can just whip out those suckers too so it is not like it would be a huge challenge... I do have extra time... for example- I came home today, ate 4 mint oreos, polished off the rest of the cheese doodles while I was watching Oprah, and fell asleep on the couch listening to the rain. Janet woke me up. Then I watched 3 more hours of tv, forced myself to wash the tub, clean up the dishes... all to feel productive. I need to get a life.
Oh also, this is kinda funny.... i found the free exercise videos on my "On Demand" and watched a bit on "Exotic dance 1". I lowered the shades but then just sat there feeling really stupid about trying to walk sexy and use controlling eye contact. so i turned it off. I am plenty sexy sitting on the couch with my cheese doodles. Only you guys know that unless my stalker is back and watching.
So I found this on the iconator and thought it was the cutest damn Harry Potter I have ever seen. thank god we are going on Sunday because I only have one bag of cheese doodles left. Anybody want to travel to London with me to track down a hottie with a British accent? If they are anything like Hugh Grant I can maybe catch a peek of my hottie dancing to "Jump."..
Well offer is on the table if anybody wants to travel anywhere.