Dec 17, 2005 12:35
So, the only thing that's really been fun lately for me, O2 Jam, has now become frustrating. Between slamming into the inevitable skill barrier and having to either play against a limited number of people I know (not their fault, I just don't have many friends) who usually have better things to do, to playing with random IDIOTS (yes, I found stupid people through the internet. AMAZING.) who kick me out of rooms for either no reason or the fact that I know...a sense of timing. So that's great.
I forgot how much it sucks to really really really suck at something I enjoy*. But I certainly remember now! Practice practice practice for me. -_-
* This is not said out of ANY form of arrogance. I really only have about...four or five things that I do like enough to continue doing them, and I am mediocre at each one. I'm just not even close to the mediocre level with this, yet. I'm still a fuking nub, or so I have been told when I don't play on their 8x speed mods. >:|