the shocking truth of cats and cunts

May 05, 2004 08:37

girl: Mom, what's for dinner?

mother: I don't know. Why don't you ask your cunt of a father to make you a grilled cheese sandwich or maybe he could make you some french toast. Please stop bothering me about food. I didn't really want to have you. I was fine with two sons, but no your father needed to have a little girl. That's why he is parading around with a 19 year old right now and I have to sit her and listen to you bitch and moan about dinner. Make your own damn dinner ever think of that? Yeah! That's it you are going to make me dinner as well. I will have a meatloaf, and make it snappy. I brought you into this world and I can take you out... and right now all that stands between you living and you dying is a fucking meatloaf so don't push it.

girl: *sobbing* I think our cat has cancer

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