from nov. 15, 2003.

Oct 26, 2005 16:03

i'm supremely stoked about seeing fall out boy next week. it's been two years! i knew that i had an LJ entry about them and luckily it was in the memories. i'll copy the FOB parts for ya.

one of the openers was Fall Out Boy. kristina saw them on mtv's you
hear it first and liked them, so she looked at their website and
discovered that they would be at this show. as we're walking upstairs,
two of the guys in that band are in front of us. kristina, being the
hot shit that she is, said "hey, are you guys fall out boy?" they were
surprised that she recognized them, so we chatted for a little bit.
they joined the other two guys and we told them that we were excited
about the matches. kristina said to talk to matt about playing an L3.
the bass player (who's mighty good looking and has great eyes) was
staring at me while kristina was talking. i said that if they played in
oakland, we'd definitely go to see them. he said that we could "hang
out," then he initiated introductions. so we met pete (bass), patrick
(vocals) and andy (drums). i met joe after the show because he'd walked
away sometime during the conversation.


rufio were supposed to play, but there was a death in the family.
fall out boy were okay. i got one of their shirts anyway because it was
so darn cute. it's kelly green and looks like one of those "vintage"
shirts that say like "get lucky in kentucky" or someone in vermont
loves me." this one has illinois on it and says "Fall Out Boy is for
lovers! chicago soft core." adorable. i also got a free fueled by ramen
compilation, and the effections cd. i spend way too much money at these

after the show we talked to fall out boy again. andy, the drummer, was
really um, INTO, talking to us. he was pretty adorable about it
actually. he said "what was your name again? misha?" i said "good job!
most people forget within 4 seconds." he said "well it's a beautiful
name and i'll never forget it." awww. patrick (who totally looks like
nathan cooper) was frantic looking for his brother, but he stopped to
sign kristina's thingy and take a couple pictures with some girls in
matches shirts. we called miles over and had andy talk to him about
L3's. pete came over and we were getting kicked out. he borrowed
kristina's pen to sign other people's stuff, then finally hers. he
shook my hand and said he met me earlier, but we had to leave, so the
conversation was cut short.

i was shaking andy's hand to say
good-bye and he gave me a hug. a very long and very tight hug, ha ha!
it was cute. i yelled over "hey kristina, i get a hug!" and he squeezed
me. then i tried to leave and he kept holding. it he weren't entirely
dorky, i'd be into that, i think. then he said good-bye to me 4 or 5
times after that, in the getting kicked out process. as i was walking
out of the door, he miraculously appeared in front of me and said
"good-bye again." ha ha ha, what a stalker, ha ha!

so everyone and their mama wound up having that shirt! or one like it because of the vast popularity. there was also a funny part about the less than jake-
"then the singer called his parents and left a message saying something
like "hey mom and dad, i'm in san francisco right now. we on stage and
the crowd was going to say something, but i guess you're asleep. *hey
everyone, my dad's name is doug. on the count of 3, i want you to say
'hi doug! kiss my fucking ass!' okay? 1, 2, 3" "HI DOUG, KISS MY
FUCKING ASS!" and then he hung up."

k, i'm going to finish getting ready. i'm meeting steve at the tattoo parlour.
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