Oct 04, 2005 08:03
1. i've given away more prom tickets than i've sold. i have sold exactly two. serendipity have not sold any. i doubt unlikely story have sold any. if i don't break even i guess i'll have to look at it like a big party that i just threw. yeah, that might be okay.
2. i came home this morning and was about to go to the back yard when i look down and see the bunny. she was just running around the living room like it's sunday or something (we let her out one or both days of the weekend). i assumed that meant that she jumped over the bulletin board that barrocades her door, but i looked and it was opened with all of the bedroom doors closed. meaning my mom let her out all night for no apparent reason. that's good though, she needs exercise. fatty.
3. there have been two shootings in as many days in chico. i don't know details about the first, but the second was last the night before last in front of normal street bar. the victim was 24 and shot in the head. the shooter was 23. scary. violent drunk people are scary enough, but violent drunk people with guns is horrible.
4. everyone i have a crush on is wrong for me. with the exception of dave baker, john's brother. and it's not really a crush. plus, i don't think he likes me. i dropped off pastries to him yesterday and stayed for about half an hour. then i gave him some pizza i made for john and him to have for lunch and left. i really like feeding my friends.
5. my shoulder and part of my back hurt really bad from my accident. and i have carpal tunnel in my right wrist. i'm all screwed up.
6. holy crap, east bay all-stars this friday!! woooot! i'm so looking forward to getting out of town.
7. prom is in a week and a half. please let it go alright.
i'd go on but i'm tired.