Dec 28, 2004 20:41
Have I ever told any of you how much longview sucks. I am really sick of it. I just want to go home. The people here suck. The smell sucks, hell it just plain sucks ass. I am sooooo sick of not being able to find a fucking ride home. I could really use some weed. It has been like, what five or so days without it. THIS IS FUCKING LONGVIEW FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. There is usually always bud around. But nooooooooooooooooo, the biggest dealer had to go and get all of his shit confinscated. Now there is almost no weed in Longview. Unless of course you know the right people. I guess I am just to far from my homie Garrett's house to get some of the Longview goodness. Ohhhh, well. I will be comming home tomarrow and my brother will smoke me out. He is a cool bro like that.
I hope this New Year's is the shit again. I don't drink as much as I used to, but I can still hold my own. I just have the indian gut for it I guess (inherited from my dad of course). I think I wouldn't mind gettin lit though. I could use a nice hard shot of burbon about now and I hate the shit. Puts a bad taste in the mouth and shit. Well, I have to go and do something or my mind is going to just plain snap.
Peace Jackie, Gina, Kelly and hopefully Longview!