Re: ThoughtsmeathespianJanuary 25 2005, 19:18:27 UTC
Dear Anonymous, With all of your brash comments, I think you should have the nerve to say who you are. If you are too chicken-shit to reveal yourself, I don't think you have any right in judging me or my decisions. As for your belief that I would actually cheat on someone I cared about, you need to take a closer look cause you don't know shit. Yes, I tend to be flirtatious, and a little overzealous sometimes, but I never cross that line. Being the subject of cheating boyfriends before, I know the pain that results from such betrayal, and I would die before I inflicted it on anyone else. So fuck you. As for the number, all I wanted to do was even things out between us. I guess in my stupid, messed up little world, I thought if we talked things out, and laid them in the open (which you apparently seem too much of a coward to do) that maybe he wouldn't have so much ill will towards me. Everyone makes mistakes. I just hoped that if I smoothed things over he wouldn't be out to hurt me or ruin whatever reputation I have. I don't want his life, I just don't want him ruining mine. I have a once-in-a-lifetime thing with Daniel, and unlike some people who have to go around hiding themselves and criticizing others, I am happy. And I am sorry, but there is no best friend for anyone to get in the way of. Maybe people should let me worry about what is going on with me. And friends support each other, not stab them in the back multiple times. The drama was an outlet for emotions. That is what this is here for. If you have a problem with that, don't read it. I am sorry if this is too insulting, but I have a problem with people who take it upon themselves to put others down and accuse them of things like cheating when they don't even have the guts to stand behind there words as a person. Frankly I have no respect for your opinion. Try adding a face, and then I might listen, but as of now, no go. And I have some idea of who it is. You see, I never wrote that I wanted his number, only three people knew that. ^_^ You let you tongue slip,messy messy you. See you at school. Yours Truly, Rebecca
With all of your brash comments, I think you should have the nerve to say who you are. If you are too chicken-shit to reveal yourself, I don't think you have any right in judging me or my decisions. As for your belief that I would actually cheat on someone I cared about, you need to take a closer look cause you don't know shit. Yes, I tend to be flirtatious, and a little overzealous sometimes, but I never cross that line. Being the subject of cheating boyfriends before, I know the pain that results from such betrayal, and I would die before I inflicted it on anyone else. So fuck you.
As for the number, all I wanted to do was even things out between us. I guess in my stupid, messed up little world, I thought if we talked things out, and laid them in the open (which you apparently seem too much of a coward to do) that maybe he wouldn't have so much ill will towards me. Everyone makes mistakes. I just hoped that if I smoothed things over he wouldn't be out to hurt me or ruin whatever reputation I have. I don't want his life, I just don't want him ruining mine. I have a once-in-a-lifetime thing with Daniel, and unlike some people who have to go around hiding themselves and criticizing others, I am happy. And I am sorry, but there is no best friend for anyone to get in the way of. Maybe people should let me worry about what is going on with me. And friends support each other, not stab them in the back multiple times. The drama was an outlet for emotions. That is what this is here for. If you have a problem with that, don't read it. I am sorry if this is too insulting, but I have a problem with people who take it upon themselves to put others down and accuse them of things like cheating when they don't even have the guts to stand behind there words as a person. Frankly I have no respect for your opinion. Try adding a face, and then I might listen, but as of now, no go. And I have some idea of who it is. You see, I never wrote that I wanted his number, only three people knew that. ^_^ You let you tongue slip,messy messy you. See you at school.
Yours Truly,
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