frends locked

Jun 28, 2005 18:16

((Viewable by Kaiba, Ichigo, Rukia, Yuugi, Chii, Nabooru, Sanzou, Russell, Tokitoh, Kubota, Aryll, and Envy. If there's someone I'm missing let me know. If you think you deserve to be on this list, you probably do and assume that you are <<;))

hey guys. yuugi, ur on my frends list now cuz you helped sanzou :)

so yeh...ive got LOTS of shit 2 tell you guys. :O last nite i came back 4om the movies and..i found sanzou lying on the floor bleeding, and his scripture was gone. its this...paper thing he weres around his sholders. its RELALY relly importent 2 him. so...yeh i kinda freaked out, shuddup. kaiba, yuugi, if theres nething i can do 4 you guys, lemme no k? so he was ok...but then i saw a post by homura, the guy 4om a few months ago. he definitly took the scripture and hurt sanzou.

so i no that he lived in that tower outside of town, rite? so i got a bus and went out there. that tower is DAMN TALL, man! he had lots of relly strong demon guys in there, but i killed em and got to the top and homura was there. turns out he had 2 lackys...and it turns out that they were all gods. go figure, huh?

i culdnt take em all at 1nce, then i fell like...something broke, and something hurt, and then like...a rush of adrenalin and then i herd sanzous voice and i woke up and he was holding me and the hole place was a total reck. it was relly werd...he sed my hedband came off. wen the hell did that happen??...but i was wondering more how the hell sanzou got there. O____o he was relly hurt!!! mebbe baachan came home 4om drinking erly and heeled him a lil bit? newayz, wen i woke up there were these....weird pillar things and a big rock that looked relly familer. and the sky was pink and stuff...and there was this big door. so sanzou and i went in and homura was there, and we fot, and i then sanzou shot his gun at the rock and the place started colapsing, and then homura got back up and his fuckin EYES started GLOWING and shit O_____O

so i beat him up...and he was about 2 attack i sent nyouibou after him and...

...he didnt dodge, the little prick. he fucking let it hit himo n purpose!!!

turns out that he had this...freaky plan to create a new heaven and earth, and that place we were in was gonna consume the world were in now. he was gonna die soon anyway, cuz he was half god or somethin. so the damn prick just wanted 2 die in a different world.

sanzou sealed the world up and we left him there. he looked happy.

i kinda fell like i lost.

im not sure wat happened after that, but i woke up at home a lil wile ago and sanzou was in his bed. he looks ok but relly pale...baachan sed he has animia or somethin, i dunno, but if he rests hell be ok. :)

still...all that was mondo werd...dos ne1 say mondo nemore?

*checks flist*

....O.O!!!! rukia-chan and ichi??????????

....rukia-chan is gonna make babys??? :D????

((Yomi, please let me know if this isn't okay. You left and I didn't get to talk to you about it.))
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