
Jul 27, 2008 15:04

I went to Comic Con yesterday and it was AWESOME!!! I've skipped out on the last two years, so I'm really glad I got the chance to do the crazy Saturday thing this time.

Highlights include:
2. Getting a mini-tour of some amazing DC/Marvel artists that I was unfamiliar with (I tend to avoid superhero comics, but I went with my friend who has been wearing away my resistance to them)
3. Checking out the Archie ship from WB's upcoming movie The Watchmen
4. Running into about a zillion people from work and nerding out
5. Getting a kickass bunny hat similar to the one Molly Hayes wears in Runaways
6. Fangirling all over Meredith Gran and getting a sketch
7. Seeing Nathan Fillian
8. Joss Whedon's Dollhouse panel (it's gonna be a good show)
9. Going to the Omni for a casting session and meeting the voice actor who plays ATHF's Carl and Meatwad
10. Picking up some trades for about 10 bucks each
11. Tasty dinner at Royal Thai
12. Going to NCSoft's party at Aubergine downtown (I got retarded amounts of free drinks and danced with Cobra Commander)
13. Watching Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog as soon as we got back

... so all in all, a day filled with NERDY AWESOMENESS.
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