Count your blessings

May 06, 2010 00:12

I have so much to thank God for.

My very supportive family, who keep asking if I have enough to eat, enough clothes to wear, enough money to spend. I thank God that I can come here freely without having to worry about my finances, in fact, I worry about my parents trying to give me more money because I really don't need it, which ... is a good thing to worry about I guess hahaha. And, I've never realised this when I was in Singapore, but I do now, I thank God for the amount of freedom they've been giving me. Back in Singapore, I'm allowed to do pretty much everything I want and my parents trust me completely (because I'm a good girl of course haha), and I think it's partly because of this that I miss home so much. Some of my other friends here aren't homesick at all because of the vast amount of freedom they get while they're here, something they don't have back in Singapore, but for me, the freedom isn't as alluring because I'm not that "controlled" in a sense even when I'm back home.

My super duper understanding boyfriend! He's been such a blessing to me ever since I've been here! Always being there for me every time I'm feeling homesick, forever ready to talk to me. And when I'm feeling much better, he's always encouraging me to go mingle with the people here, and he's never the possessive kind who won't allow me to make new friends. In fact he's quite the opposite! Haha. When I'm busy and can't find time to skype, he'll be okay with it too (: And everytime I'm feeling down, he'll always have the best advice to offer, and most of the time, his presence is more than enough to assure me that everyhthing will turn out okay (:

My extremely ideal living conditions! Minus the ants in the kitchen (I've more or less gotten used to them anyway). I only have 1 other housemate even though there's supposed to be 4 of us sharing the apartment, so that means I've got a lot of my own space, i.e. own toilet! Haha. My house and kitchen is really clean! And clutter free. Alex is really nice too, no noisy parties in my living room. There was once she and her friends were getting quite drunk at around 1am, so they were kind of yelling at each other instead of speaking normally. But the moment she heard me lock my door, she knew I was gonna sleep and she immediately turned down the music, shushed her friends, and even though the rest were still screaming after that, I never heard her voice again for the whole night. I was SO TOUCHED.

The list could go on and on and on, and I'm reminded again of the message that Pastor Patrick Chew preached just before I left for Sweden - that we should learn to be thankful and focus on the blessings that God has showered upon us, instead of what makes us upset. That way we'll learn that we're actually a lot more fortunate than we think we are, and we'll be happier people too!

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning, new every morning.
Great is Thy faithfulness O Lord, Great is Thy faithfulness.

God is good!

my source of strength

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