Hello Amperspal! Herein find my letter, may it serve you well.
General likes: H/c, found family, polyamory, happy endings, fluff, friendship. AUs: Mundane, sports, workplace, pack (with or without werewolviness), magic, creature (especially incubi/succubi). Anything about scents, whether that's ABO-style scent-marking, more general scents on peoples' clothes or when near their skin, or the scents of things in the standard environment, like nature or food or fabrics. I'd love to read the thing you've been working on but haven't had an excuse to finish.
Opt-ins: Background relationships, infidelity, first or second person POVs, A/B/O that isn't just a sex scene, identity headcanons (especially asexuality and polyamory).
General prompts: Characters going to the gym or exercising. Characters buying, creating, or exchanging gifts. Characters cooking or planning meals. Characters using recreational substances like weed or alcohol. Someone taking care of their partner after a long day, a battle, or another physically or mentally stressful event: getting their favorite food, a massage, renewing ice packs, changing bandages, putting on music or scents they like. Spending downtime together: a shared hobby, just laying around not getting out of bed, getting groceries. Non-sexual intimacy Love languages Misunderstandings Previous relationships (platonic or otherwise) being relevant to the characters Cultural exchange: languages, food, music, holidays, etc
Art likes:
I like it when art uses a color palette and puts it on the side? I really like sky-like palettes, like blue-yellow-grays, or earth-like palettes like red-brown-dark green.
I don't go for wallpapers but I don't have anything as a lockscreen at the moment so if you like doing that sort of thing I'm totally here for it.
I'd love to see a new style you're working on that maybe you haven't mastered yet, or just whatever kind of materials/style you have the most fun working with.
Any sort of words or symbols in art is cool with me- speech bubbles or floaty things or sound effects are all awesome.
Any kind of AU is great! I especially like AUs of characters playing sports.
DNWs: Nothing related to suicide, from ideation to jokes. Themes of mourning being front and center. Head or eye trauma, except for concussions. Apocalypses, dystopia, mob/mafia AUs.
Fandoms and ships are not listed in any order of preference.
Harry Potter
[Harry Potter]Harry Potter and Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley: Forget about the magic, these three grow up together at boarding school from age 11 through 16 and we never got any gratuitous cuddling scenes, hardly any discussing crushes, very little in the way of awkward making out with your friend and then having to deal with that. Where was the puberty?! I want to see what really happens when you have zero sex ed and then grow up in a dorm room with no walls. I want to see these three fuck around and find out, whether that's with each other, or other people, or more or fewer people than they'd intended, and then come back together as friends. Any other ships in any other configurations are fine, go where the story take you, though I would prefer that ships stay within a given character's generation (or age group if time travel, deaging, etc occur).
Ted Lasso
[Keeley Jones and Roy Kent and Jamie Tartt]Keeley Jones and Roy Kent and Jamie Tartt: Is it awkward to share an ex-girlfriend with your boss? What about to have two exes who spend way more time together than you do with either of them? Is it weird is your ex who you still have feelings for hooks up with someone you work with and then they joke about a threesome but maybe aren't joking? Is it hard to turn that down when you're dating someone new but the extremely inappropriate workplace fuck is suddenly way more appealing than your three-month-old relationship? These are questions rather than prompt but what I'm getting at is that there are many ways for this to be awkward and I have confidence that these three could make the worst of it.
[Roy Kent and Jamie Tartt]Roy Kent and Jamie Tartt: It's surprisingly hard to go from teammates who hate each other to player and coach who... don't? hate each other? To player and head coach who are? friends? It's especially hard when you were maybe just getting over some of your baggage and ego distress to maybe start being something like friends, and then you're put in a situation where you're not supposed to be friends at all. And also you share an ex-girlfriend who invites you both over for dinner a lot. I'd love any level of shippy from Happily Ever After to none shippy, left growl.
[Alianne Cooper and Taybur Sibigat]Alianne Cooper and Taybur Sibigat: The tension between these two was so great. They had a healthy respect for each other and where the others' duties began and ended. Neither would mix the professional and personal beyond those lines. I would like to see some situation where the possibility for a deeper relationship than allies/acquaintances became possible, and how they would be able to handle that. Would they struggle with the choice to develop a relationship that could have the potential to threaten the loyalties they already have? I'd be fine with any handling of Aly and Nawat's relationship including polyamory or infidelity, if that's where the story goes.
[Keladry of Mindelan and Domitan of Masbolle]Keladry of Mindelan and Domitan of Masbolle: I have all sorts of headcanons about Kel's sexuality or preferences or lack thereof, but this ship was interesting to me as a youth because they met during a time when Kel seemed to have no handle at all on who or what she liked, and also had no opportunity to find out. They weren't a will they/won't they because they never had a chance. I'd like to see that change, either during the PotS series or at a later date. No real endgame in mind, just Kel getting to actively make a choice about how she wants to explore her attraction to Dom rather than getting tossed around by duty.
[Keladry of Mindelan and Roald VI of Conté]Keladry of Mindelan and Roald VI of Conté: Roald seemed to want to fit in with the other pages as much as possible, but neither he nor they could ever really forget his station. It would be even tougher for Kel, who was used to stricter hierarchy rules as the daughter of ambassadors to a very formal culture, and then was the only girl among the pages. I'd like to see something about Roald and Kel very intentionally trying to become friends despite the challenges, and how successful they may or may not be.