Hello there! Thanks for participating in this exchange and in advance for your wonderful creation!
I have below my standard likes/dislikes list, and some feelings about and prompts for each of my fandoms, but what's most important to me is that you have a good time writing it! This is a small exchange so I don't expect a huge epic. The prompts are there for inspiration and to give you an idea of the sort of thing I like in a fic, they are by no means demands. Don't stress!
I'm not very good at art prompts, so apologies in advance, but in general I like the color blue, realism, abtract backgrounds, relationship fluff, and characters being good at what they're good at.
Standard likes/dislikes list:
- Hurt/Comfort. I like emotional more than physical, but both are good
- Misunderstandings and miscommunication
- Friends-to-lovers or frienemies-to-lovers
- Trust issues
- Snark or banter
- Ethical sluttery: While I do adore will-they-won't-they, my heart lies with happy poly people, whether this means a committed moresome or a committed relationship with one-night-standery. Make any ship I've listed a threesome, or an open relationship, or just have them flirting with other people. IF YOU WRITE SEDORETU YOU GET AN AUTOMATIC WIN NO MATTER WHAT.
- Crossovers are cool: Here is a list of my fandoms: http://meatball42.livejournal.com/8879.html
- Sex is cool: Here is a list of kinks and tropes that I like, though you are under no obligtion to include any of them is you write sex: http://meatball42.livejournal.com/78471.html
- Happy endings
AUs that I like:
- Canon AUs rock, wherein one thing changes and everything after that changes accordingly, or where the universe is intact but most other things are different. This is opposed to a total AU (which I also dig), wherein characters meet at:
- Any sort of professional workplace, from a general store to the UN- massive bonus points if the author has RL experience in said setting
- Sports AU- I will marry you for this, particularly if you actually teach me about the sport. Ping pong to Olympic diving, idc.
- Fusions- HDM is great, ABO is fine as long as it's more complicated than a straight-up romance, D/s is fantastic. IF YOU WRITE SEDORETU YOU GET AN AUTOMATIC WIN NO MATTER WHAT.
- Genderflipped canon AU or any sort of creatively built alternate universe gender/sexual dynamic system is great, especially if there's plot too, not just 'Character X is a woman see what that changes'. World-building is great, even if you're lazy and don't do too much, I'm not egging you on for a novel here ;)
- Racebending is win, end of.
- Incubus/succubus AUs, whether a complete AU or just an alternate change to canon, are a soft spot.
Writing dislikes:
Instantaneous or inexplicably fast attraction/relationship/sex. Pointless fic, IMO, unless you want PWP.
Mental torture without H/C or extensive physical torture or rape without H/C. I like it as a plot point, but I care more about the characters than the acts themselvs, so focus on the former, por favor.
RPF in general.
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Here are my general takes on fandoms and ships, and my preferences, along with some prompts. The prompts are totally optional, and feel free to ignore them if you think of something that flows better, but please don't, for example, stray too far from the headcanons. If I put down two characters as besties feel free to ship them, but don't make them enemies? Fandoms and ships are not listed in any order of preference.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Worldbuilding: Stark Industries: This concept interests me soooo much. What does the organizational structure of Stark Industries look like now that they're no longer in weapons production? How much of the company's output is still in the military, in non-weapons-specific technologies? Do they still make weapons-adjacent things, like targeting systems or fighter jets or tanks? What about tools for soldiers on the ground like bomb-detection or night vision? Body armor? Communications? In IM1 Tony mentioned medical technology and intelli-crops. Are these sold ot the government, or privtely? Has that shifted since IM1? Have they branched into consumer goods, or were they there to begin with? Some fanon includes Stark tablets or phones, maybe like the snazzy thing Tony talked into in Civil War. Was that really an SI product? How would that affect the company? How has this shift changed the company ethos, and did making Pepper CEO help or hinder the shift? How has the company done in the stock market since IM1? How are its relations with the military andthe government?
Worldbuilding: Politics: As we saw in Civil War, the very existence of the Avengers is enough to throw the balance of world politics and power into disarray. Has something like the Accords been brewing ever since the Battle of New York? Did SHIELD protect the Avengers? What sort of laws did they fall under then, versus now? How many lawyers are currently working on this from which sides? How do citizens of South American countries feel about the Avengers? China? Iran? To what extent are the Avengers aware of the world at large, or do they have to ignore some things to keep their sanity? How were they so unaware that the Accords were being written? Were they willfully ignorant? Was the process hidden from them? Was it a down-low project that was fast-tracked after Lagos?
Worldbuilding: Contacts of Leverage Consulting: This can be as serious or as cracky as you like, but I want to see the team needing help on something outside their areas of expertise. Maybe it's something highly specific for a con, or perhaps the mark is onto them. In any case, who is this person (or people) in a position to help the Leverage team? What do they have to offer? Is it a skillset, a position, a contact of their own? And what reason do they have to help? Are they being paid? Did the team do them a good deed once? Is it guilt? Are they simply altruistic? Do they know what the Leverage team really does, and what do they think about it? How did they end up here?
Worldbuilding: Advertisement for Leverage Consulting: Maybe it's all Hardison making programs to surf Facebook, but some of the clients we've seen were very on the DL about their issues before bringing them to the team. Could it really all be word of mouth? Does Parker go into bathrooms and write 'If it seems impossible, call 867-5309' on the stall doors? Do they take out carefully worded ads in the newspapers? What does Hardison do with all the misfires?
The idea of the ambient maics is just so kickass, particularly the range of applications and the explanations for their limitations. I'm interested in an OC probably, someone either discovering or practising their affinity to pretty much anything at all. If you wanted to go more in-depth about one of the examples in the books, like cooking, or the mentions of pottery or painting, that's sweet, and if you wanted to some up with your own that's completely fine too. Meta about abilities and limitations and interdisciplinary applicatins of any maic would also be awesome, or any in-universe writings on the subjects.
Avengers Academy
Worldbuilding: Where has Hawkeye been?, Older versions of heroes, Timefog: I really love this fandom so much that most anything you write will make me happy. I don't care so much about the specific content, but I love it when people stretch their creative muscles and come up with something wacky or unexpected. For these Worldbuilding tags, there are a lot of classic time travel tropes or Doctor Who plots that would work really well, and really anything holding to the feels of the dialogue, the deja vu everywhere, the hints of strange futures and pasts, the intruige that some characters ignore and some take far too seriously- basically the character of the game- will make me happy :)
Sorry this took so long. Thank you very much for writing me a worldbuilding wonder!