Public Call Letter

Oct 08, 2015 20:35

Ho there fellow Companion!

Welcome to my letter-- it is bigger on the inside (that's a joke cause I'm wordy, geddit?).I've listed some tropes and headcanons for your liberty, but in the end, my main request is that you keep to characterization (canon personalities, or at least consistent within an AU). I also would appreciate no bashing of any characters, even the really obviously racist or homophobic ones, unless, in keeping with request #1, it's in-character. This is my basic bedrock desire: if you're really feeling the story that way, you can write my favorite character as a depraved clown-murderer, as long as you write it well. Anything else is take-or-leave: have fun, low, low pressure!

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Writing likes:
  • Happy endings, or at least fulfilling sad endings. But generally happy endings. I like my angst to be healed by the end.
  • I do like it when a character is viewed in a way that's different to the general fandom take. Someone's generally considered 'the smart one' or 'the level-headed one'? Show their f'd up internal monologue. Or how 'the good guy' secretly doesn't care, or how 'the bad guy' idn't actually care about any of it, he had a whole other agenda.
  • I really adore misunderstandings in general, and two-sided miscommunications, like when characters are having an argument, or one overhears a convo that means one thing to one side and something totally different to the other.
  • Ethical sluttery: While I do adore will-they-won't-they, my heart lies with happy poly people, whether this means a committed moresome or a committed relationship with one-night-standery. Make any ship I've listed a threesome, or an open relationship, or just have them flirting with other people. IF YOU WRITE SEDORETU YOU GET AN AUTOMATIC WIN EVEN IF IT SUCKS.
  • Coming out stories or anything else involving gender/sexual identity as a main plot point (with or without modern-day labeling thereof) is nice :)
  • My all-time fav: self-deprecation. Character thinks they don't deserve the relationship/promotion/happy life for some reason = excuse for plotty/character-developmenty/shippy H/C! Preferably if it doesn't dissolve into blatant whump just for the sake of h/c, but I like it to hurt me in the chest.
  • I don't mind fluff, but I prefer emotional stories, whatever the emotion. This is inclusive of love, angst, anger, anything.

Kink sublist, in no particular order, italics are particular favs:
possessiveness, BDSM, fluff after a bad mission, fluff after a bad sex session (for any reason - triggery, tried something the other partner didn’t like, etc), lactation, fisting, sounding, prostate milking, sex toys, medical play, orgasm denial, rimming, trust, edging, consensual dub con, sexy dubcon, loving without actually verbalizing the words ‘I love you,' consensual humiliation, noncon if the emhasis is on H/C or it's an interesting take on the ship.

AU sublist:
Canon AUs rock, wherein one thing changes and everything after that changes accordingly, or where the universe is intact but most other things are different. This is opposed to a total AU (which I also dig), wherein characters meet at:
School or college (students or teachers)
Any sort of professional workplace, from a general store to the UN- massive bonus points if the author has RL experience in said setting
Sports AU- I will marry you for this, particularly if you actually teach me about the sport. Ping pong to Olympic diving, idc.
Fusions- HDM is an utter winner, ABO is good as long as it's more complicated than a straight-up romance, D/s is great, Hogwarts is sweet assuming there's more plot than which characters go to which houses. Gonna say this again, IF YOU WRITE SEDORETU YOU GET AN AUTOMATIC WIN EVEN IF IT SUCKS.
Genderflipped canon AU is great, particularly if gender is not the focus
Racebending is win, end of.
Band AUs, I've recently had a craving

Writing dislikes:
Instantaneous or inexplicably fast attraction/relationship/sex. Pointless fic, IMO, unless you want PWP.
Mental torture without H/C or extensive physical torture without H/C. I like it as a plot point, but I care more about the characters than the acts themselvs, so focus on the former, por favor.

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General takes on ships, prompts, preferences: feel free to ignore these if you think of something that flows better. Ships are not listed in any order of preference.

Clara Oswin Oswald/Amy Pond: Gonna admit I requested this mainly for some sexy business. I don't care about time lines, use any excuse you want, even if it's far-fetched, but I want me some E rating on AO3.
Possible prompts: Model, magic, 'kinky', smoothies, favorite foods.

Eleventh Doctor (Ganger)/Jack Harkness: I want me some H/C for the poor Ganger!doc after Amy was so not used to non-human humans (pretend I made that make sense for Time Lords and respect for the other, god I'll edit this), and Jack would see the Doctor before 'plastic'.
Prompts: Jack finds out the Doctor is inorganic after [the adventure where they met up this time, that is to say not an extended trip]. Immediate reaction, and how does he take it?
Jack finding the upsides to being made of Ganger material.
Ganger means no bad-touch time sense?
Eleven has a habit of surprise!kissing his male companions and then acting like it never happened. Jack investigates.

Eleventh Doctor/Jack Harkness: Something fun. Nine was a grouch, Ten was an asshole, Eleven is fun. Basically whatever you want as long as it's fun. (Also *nudge* Eleven has two Companions I WILL ACCEPT SEDORETU WITH THREE GUYS)
Prompts: Ice cream, bullets, ice cream & bullets, tea, catchphrase, waterfall, crayons, yes seriously

Jack Harkness/Martha Jones: These two are both kick-ass, dedicated to helping people, and sexy. Do whatever you want. A mundane AU would be cool, I don't think I've ever seen one for this ship. (Sedoretu would also be super, or threesome-- Ianto clearly has jealousy issues, I wouldn't be surprised if Mickey does too.)
Prompts: Uniforms, competition, storytelling, balance, parachute, relax

Jack Harkness/Jenny (Doctor Who: The Doctor's Daughter): I think it would be cool for these two to meet working on the same problem, not knowing about the links between them. Can be shippy or not, I don't mind. Really anything that strikes your fancy here.
Prompts: Candlelight, cats, swordfight, fish, copper, nitrogen

Martha Jones/Mickey Smith: As much as this did feel like Pair the Spares, I think post-Year Martha and post-Pete's World Mickey are actually really suited to each other, as BAMF partners even more than married partners (about which we don't have a lot of material). I would love to see something about them working together to save the world after our last glimpse in canon.
Prompts: Buying a house is a more complicated prosect than stopping an invasion.
I would love anything about race in a paramilitary organization or in space.
Experiences they have in common, and things about each other or that the other has seen that they just can't understand.

Mickey Smith/Rose Tyler: I'm actually prompting this for if Rose came back to this universe years later. I think an older and wiser Rose would be a better fit for an older and more mature Mickey, and vice versa. It would be cool to have them meet as respected senior agents or whatever in their respective universes, both experts in the same field, and have to collaborate. Or whatever hits you!
Prompts: Wine, sharpshooting, karaoke, suits, flying

Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness: This is one of my fav ships, really anything goes besides straight fluff. Feel free to go OT3, any AUs, anything. Even if it's not shippy.
Prompts: The Doctor shows up at Torchwood (optional: Ianto is not impressed)
The Doctor has to rely on Jack to get them out of a jam.
AU where they're actually doctors.

Twelfth Doctor/Clara Oswin Oswald: I never really saw Eleven/Clara because, as much as they gelled, he really didn't strike me as a mature enough personality to be in a relationship with Clara, who seems to me practical above all else. Twelve though, is more pragmatic. He's not goofy, he's eccentric. Anyway, I'd like to see a first time anything story for this pair, from first kiss to first fight-while-in-a-relationsip to first time /this/ Doctor meets her family.
Prompts: Electricity, fine art, scarves, slinkies, microwaves

Twelfth Doctor/Martha Jones: Basically same as above but for Ten. Martha is down-to-Earth and cares about the right thing to do even more than having fun. I think Ten was too bent over Rose and too angry to appreciate a reliable, intelligent Companion, but I think Twelve is in a better place, and Martha has already proven she can deal with a scatter-brain. I'd love to see how she ends up on the Tardis again, or even just the Doctor having to work with Marth'a division of UNIT. Feel free to nclude Mickey and/or Clara as well!

Twelfth Doctor/Jack Harkness: Lol basically same as above. I like Nine and Jack, but Ten was basically in a hormone storm for his entire regeneration and Eleven's favorite past-times were avoidance and denial. I think Twleve is just a bit more grown up, and would be able to more resolutely deal with the problems Jack presents and actually get around to coming up with solutions. Jack, as well, has grown up in the interveneing time. How do they meet up again? Does Jack recognize him off the bat? Do they travel together immediately, or does Jack stay on the long road? Relationship through time would be mre than okay with me, especially if other locales and/or other partners (long- or short-term) for Jack were a part of it.

Gwen Cooper/Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones: Post-End of Days, anything goes. One-night-stand? Infidelity? Does Rhys know, does he participate? What does this do to Jack and Ianto's relationship, to Ianto and Gwen's? Do Gwen and Ianto sort of revolve around Jack, or do they avoid letting his personality control the room? So many avenues to explore!
Prompts: Vacation, Japanese food, secret, beach, tickle, dusk

Ianto Jones/Toshiko Sato: This pair has some things in common on the show (mostly about death) and a lot of very different life experiences. How do they even get along as friends? What do they argue about? What do none of their friends/terammates know about them? What do they do outside of Torchwood (do they do anything outside of Torchwood)? Or, in an AU, how did they meet? How did they get together? Sedoretu would be fantastic here :)
Prompts: Networking, toothpick, pi/e, fleece v cotton, tan lotion, cooking

Jack Harkness/Original Jack Harkness: Anything not set during the episode is fine with me. OG Jack getting saved, reincarnated, AU'd to live (time being fluid and such), Modern AU (sports AU, ha), anything! I'd really love any sort of exploration of gayness for this ship. Feel free to go OT3 or sedoretu or open relationship or anything.
Prompts: Open book, blush, conform, rat, flyboy, convenience

Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones/Toshiko Sato: One of the rarer threesomes. Gwen and Owen are way too high energy sometimes, but Tosh is reliable. Whose idea was this relationship? Is it a one time thing, or more serious? Whose issues get in the way most often? Who has the best ideas for date night? What is date night like? How does Tosh feel about the avant garde? I would love a Library AU, or a Coffee Shop AU, or anything cute for this ship :)
Prompts: Complex, kayak, busy, tending plants, business trip, squirrel

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The most important thing, of course, is that you have fun! Don't force yourself to write something just cause I suggested it. Your enjoyment will be visible in the writing and will make it shinier than the weirdest sedoretu fic. Enjoy your time as a writing Companion! (okay I'm done now)

Thank you, friend!

prompts: doctor who, category: challenge letter, prompts: torchwood, prompts: poly, prompts: femslash, prompts: ship, challenge: public call

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