Sleeper, for the tw100 prompt 'Sleeper'

Apr 06, 2012 18:48

Title: Sleeper
Rating: PG
Characters/pairings: Ianto/Lisa, Surprise!
Warnings (including spoilers): Spoilers for Cyberwoman
Wordcount: 100 words
Summary: "My loyalty is to her!" wasn't entirely accurate. Written for the tw100 prompt' Sleeper.'


Ianto watched Jack drive off as he pulled out his mobile. The call picked up in two rings.


"I'm still alive," Ianto said cynically.

An icy silence.

"He should have killed me. How did you know he wouldn't?"

"The captain and I are well aquainted. I know he would never kill someone for love."

"Should I act now, sir?"

"Not yet. They'll think they know everything about you now; they'll trust you more than ever. Wait for my command."

"Yes, Master."

Ianto went inside and filled a garbage bag with his clothes, all thoroughly stained with the Cyberwoman's blood.

challenge: tw100, category: fic, fandom: torchwood, size: drabble

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