Title: Family Eccentricity
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: G
Characters/pairings: Gwen, background ancestry
Warnings (including spoilers): Vague spoilers for S1E1 and end of series 1 Torchwood
Wordcount: 100 words
Summary: Gwen's mother told her all the women in their family had visions.
Author's Note: I loved the Advent Challenge, and I meant to continue writing drabbles, but... school. Yeah. So here's to trying. Written for
That day was not the first time Gwen had seen a Weevil. They were constant visitors in her dreams, along with shrieking blue ghosts, disembodied voices speaking of unimaginable worlds and death- so much death.
Gwen was used to the dreams. Her mother told her that all the women in their family had them, and as a child Gwen imagined that she was a sorceress or a goddess.
When she joined Torchwood, Gwen began dreaming of a monster so huge and so evil that its shadow brought death, but she ignored them. That sort had to be only nightmares. Right?