HMD! Contact! & Permissions~

Feb 02, 2021 22:47


Please let me know how I'm doing regarding Viral's play-style! He's an AMAZING character and I want to do him justice!


AIM: theamazingdubs
Regular journal : the_amazin_dubs  (for a list of my other muses)


Friendship: of course~ He can be a total ass and pretty abrasive, but he's a good guy underneath it all! and damn loyal to boot!

Romance: Sure~ If the characters seem to have a thing going on between them why not?! Should probably discuss it first though. As Viral isn't exactly the romantic type and things may not flourish... quickly.

Physical Affection: He doesn't like being touched, he's quite fond of his personal space bubble. However feel free to do so to watch him squirm, but expect some general freak out about it after.

Fighting: Sure~ If provoked enough he would probably LOVE getting into a brawl. But he's mostly very passive. It might be difficult to rile him up enough to throw the first punch.

Thread Jacking: DO EEET!! The more the merrier!

Death: Well, it will need to be discussed first but I could be up for it!...Not like I never killed any of my pups before~

Contact: Anytime for any reason! I love getting jumped by people! AIM is probably the most efficient.

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