
Aug 21, 2010 10:43

I keep being told that things are invevitable. Maybe it's true. The sun will come out,  tomorrow. Saturday will come after Friday. Monday will come after Sunday. Everyone gets sick in the beginning of the fall. It will rain, inevitably. Is it true? I don't think you and I are inevitable at all. In fact I don't think we're even likely. For one thing, what if the sun doesn't come out tomorrow? What if it's already imploded and today's sunlight is showing us the light it gave off 200 years ago? What if Saturday doesn't come? Maybe there'll be a meteor or something. Maybe it'll cause such a panic that everyone will forget all about Saturday and move forward. What if Monday is cancelled? What if there's a cure to the common cold - and what if global warming destroys the idea of rain? Most of all, what if I don't want to believe in inevitable, because I want to live my life as it stands? What if I want to be stubborn about this? What then? Is that inevitable, too? 
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