Feb 04, 2006 10:05
This week actully wasn't too awful.
I mean things happen and friends fight.
See thats where I'm lucky because with my friends..
..well one minute we can be fighting and then next were sending each other text messages saying "I want your body.
hahaha it's craziness.
But I love it.
My family shit seems like it's coming to a resolution.
Good end to my book right?
I certianly hope so.
Physics made me feel smart this week =O yeah I know shocker right there.
I don't think I'm getting confirmed.
I didn't go to the retreat cause I didn't want to miss school and get even more behind than I was.
I actully think I might be all caught up now.
Next week I'll be teaching more though so...
Casey figured out a real tough equation in lunch for me the other day.
Me + You = Sadies?
True or False.
He said True.
I'm kind of excited.
hehe =D
My wifey made me a happy heart and it made my day.
I love MandyMarieNagy.
Ms. W. is amazing and I love her a lot.
Kaitlynn and I fight so much.
But I love MyGirlfriend and I hope she knows that.
She better damn it.
Thursday Kait and I went to Kristi's and then to the game with her.
I don't know what I would do without my lovely sister.
She seriously cracks me up.
I love that girl to death.
Last night the crew all had shit they had to do so it ended up being just me, Autumn and Alex.
We learned it was a small freaking world.
Went to see Shanno at work.
He was slacking.
But he gave me super power juice in a to-go cup so I was a happy person.
We went and visited KristiSue for about an hour or so.
Watched her lesibeian sims WOO-HOO!
hahaha then we went to our movie.
We saw "When a Stranger Calls" and I'm seriously NEVER babysitting again.
I think I squeezed Alex's arm so hard I broke it haha.
The only bad part was the annoying douche bags that sat behind us.
They didn't stop talking the whole freaking movie.. oh weeeeelll.
Auto and I came back here and watched "A Walk to Remember" which I had never saw.
I cried.
Alex and Shanno decided to be cool and call and breathe like the dude in the movie and scare us.
haha I love my friends.
Tonight is Carlye's party.
I want to go and I might for awhile.
But I have so much to do and I don't feel that great.
..eh we'll see what happens.
I better go jump on Autumn and make her wake up.
haha I'll update again soon.