Oct 31, 2006 10:55
Happy Halloween!
I feel like I haven't posted in forever. But everytime I come to my page, I don't feel like updating.
The gala was incredible. Somehow being there and seeing it all made everything I do seem more meaningful, even moreso than actually being at program nights and seeing it that way. Last Five Years was also great, though I am still partial to the original cast that is on the recording. Oh Norbert Leo Butz. There used to be a video on YouTube of the original cast singing "The Next Ten Minutes" in the show, but last time I looked I couldn't find it and that made me sad.
My first choir rehearsal went well. I am definitely the baby of the group, considering I don't think there is anyone else who is below graduate school age. I'm definitely rusty (where has my range gone!?), but I like the music. I'm being formally introduced to the group tonight. Last week they did introductions that were left over from their last concert, and it had been so long that one of the people just made up a bunch of silly lies about the other person. haha
The job has been ok. On the one hand I'm not looking forward to working more in November and December because we will be so busy, but on the other hand the times I have liked working best are when there is a line that requires several people to work in box at once. It's kind of exciting and makes you want to work faster.
Last weekend I was in St. Louis for a little family reunion, which ended up being a very exciting weekend because the Cardinals won the World Series on Friday night! Our hotel was about a block away from the stadium, so my dad and I drove around to see it and to see the other people who were driving around and dressed up and honking their horns. On Sunday there was a parade for the players, so that was cool too. Lots of confetti!
I am sort of bummed that my choir rehearsal tonight conflicts with Halloween. However, the rehearsal is from 7-10 and the "official" trick-or-treat hours for our neighborhood are 5-8, so maybe I will still get to see some kids before I leave.
This coming weekend is my last fall weekend at Wash U! It really is incredible how quickly the time has gone. I definitely agree with my peer advisor that the key to having a good, or at least bearable, semester at home is keeping busy. I will be so excited in January, you have no idea.
Ball State is on fall break right now, so I saw one friend last night and am hopefully seeing more today.
I definitely have an addiction to the new Duke's Men CD. But that's not at all unhealthy. :o)