com badge com badge

Sep 28, 2005 12:56 wearing a star trek com badge, wanna fight about it?

on leave from class again...another 5min update.

i wactehd the family guy movie last night. it was funny, i really enjoyed it. it was awesome in fact. i watched it in alan's room with him...and ethan and joe and josh and the jeffs and some other people (SHERI!) who i cant remember right now. it was funny. and they said the fuck word in it. it was funny.

i actually have rehearsal tonight...and thats good. im freaking out alittle bit though because i didnt actually anticipate getting into this play...and so i was takign my time with the floor program things...but now i have no time left and i still need to get in a program before the end of the month and that just isnt happening right now and im nervous that im going to go to my one on one today and sauc is going to yell at me and make me feel bad (cuz i deserve it).

im part of the staff selection commitee and its really cool. i like it a lot. we had a meeting this morning at portland hall and it was fun. then on the way home we talked about god. gail and i are going to go to church on sunday. church buddy church buddy. i just want to be watching dora the explora right now.

i made a joke yesterday that casey would have laughed at alot...but no one laughed because it was ONLY something that casey would have laughed at. haha. anyway...anyway...

colleen has this GREAT yeast infection right now, it totally rocks. we're goign to goodwill today to buy windsuits.

had breakfast with michaela
ate omlet
had stressful dream about sed omlet last night



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