Feb 17, 2005 22:08
gah.... nothin going on at all just got off the fone with lisa. we talked for so long. me neck hurts alot. i enjoy her company. even wen its on le telephone.
she wants me to go to her party on friday. shes inviting a lot of people and i want to go. but i dont think its gonna work.... the only way i would be able to go is if i could stay at colins which wont happen. trent wants me to stay at his house on friday too. if things fall through with lisa then i spose ill stay at his house.
CHADWICK is playin saturday. i want to go. I could go if i stay at trents. i love the disaster chadwick foundation, not just cause its trents borthers band just cause there genuinly good. wish i could spell.
i love rasberry muffin cake. that was prolly one of the coolest videos ive ever seen. the bravery. there not that goode but that video was frigggin sweet. GAH unwritten law sucks bawls. I wonder when this madness will end.....
thought i was getting a new comp today but not yet. tommorow. its not going ot be brand new. its this old ladies computer that she had in her shed or something like that. its pretty sweet. 60 gig hard drive, 512 ddr ram, 2.2 ghz proccessor, 64 megabyte video cardand, a CD burner.yep pretty sweet. pretty much the coolest thing in the world. CANT WAIT.
gots lot of homework that i wont be doing. i was gonna do it. but lisa distracted me. its just algebra and some lame ass literature wheel. i spose ill do it in tommorows homeroom, or something.
NEW shoes biotch. Emericas. there pretty sweet. really comfortable. getting a new board friday or this weekend or something. mom owes me money. gonna get a sweet ass skate from jacks.
didnt go to school today but i really wanted to. i felt sick and i was spewing everywhere (not everywhere(as a matter of fact thats a lie i didnt puke at all but if mom reads this yes, yes i did) and i wanted to go to school. wierd huh?
probably wont see jade in a long time cause of the whole night school thing. which is goode and bad. bad cause shes like my best friend but goode cause i dont like how i am around her. i find myself dislikeing everything i do. like hanging out with my friends ("skaters"). i like all of them alot. like there really fun and shizzle drizzle, but when im with jade they seem so lame. like all they do is skate and have nothing else going on in there lives. i need to hang out with them more and (dare i say) chill with less with jade.
going to hang out with Eliah tommorow..... hopefully. her and Ivy are really fun. We were all supposed to hang out at lisa friday but its not happening. Everyone was prolly just gonna have a fat orgy with colin and i would be left with the camera or like i would end up in the corner sucking my thumb.
i really love saturday night live. it makes me all tingly. not gooey. just tingly. the mars volta makes me tingly too. but The Killers, The Killers make me gooey. i like gooey. gooey is fun. I LOVE WILL FERREL. AWESOME and sexy. its even hotter wen Norm Mcdonald eats his vomit.
i have a fever, and the only perscription, is more COWBELL.
Cant find my damn chapstick.....
i wish i had wings. u wanna know why??? so i could poop on birds heads. thats all i would do.