And now with one-stop shopping for Hot Bear Spray

Dec 04, 2009 11:41

There are a few times in my life where I've had to eat my words. My mom would say there were many times I've had to eat a little crow. And she'd then tell you about my Corporate America speech circa '92, or the "no fast or processed food in my child" speech of '99. Just for kickers she might tell you about the four months I swore off all animal products and tried going vegan during the Mad Cow scare of '02. My mom has a mind like a steel trap and the memory of an elephant. Thank god she loves me. Also, I am never running for public office. Because she loves me, Mom loves to talk about me (naturally). Because she loves to talk about me, at some point, one of the crazy things I did back in the 90s would come to light and then.... scandal. And to Drue who might read this someday, no I did not have sex, do drugs or end up in jail... except when I married your father and we've already covered that. And those drugs were doctor approved. Just sayin'.

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