Blog Action Day 2009 - Climate Change

Oct 15, 2009 18:37

I’ve spent the better part of the day reading about climate change. Sure, I already knew about global warming and its effects on the weather, fragile ecosystems, and our health. At any given time on any given news site or blog, I can read about tragedies around the world, be it flooding, poverty, or wide-spread diseases like hantavirus or malaria, that seem to be increasing as temperatures rise. I know the crucial number - 350 - and what it means. I know I should use less energy at home, drive efficiently and drive less often and buy carbon offsets. I know this. It’s been shoved at me on every website touting “eco-friendliness” out there. I know that on October 24th, there will be a campaign in 158 countries around the world. And I think all of that is wonderful. But, I have to ask myself as an individual, what can I really do day-to-day? When I hear terms like “use less energy” and “sustainable”, what do they really mean? And how do I motivate myself, much less others, to do more?

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